Posted By: Molly Wilson Teeth - 03-26-2006 06:43 PM
I have to go Tues and get all of my teeth pulled so I can start radiation. I am anxious because they will put me to sleep once again. Oh, well..It has to be done. I can hardly open my mouth even though I have been doing exercises since my last surgery.

Guess, I just wanted to vent cuz I am very anxious.
Posted By: Joanna Re: Teeth - 03-26-2006 09:02 PM
Molly, shortly after I finished all treatment, I had to have my teeth pulled because quite a number just died. My mouth was not opening very far at that time and I don't know how it was done, but I woke up toothless (and unaccountably, more upset about that than I was about the cancer dx). Losing one's teeth is not fun emotionally, but the process was, at least for me, painless. You will be given antibiotics afterward, so remember to take the full course, and closely follow the after care instructions with regard to rinsing. You do not want an infection, especially now. I understand your anxiety perfectly and you are entitled to it. I want you to know, however, that this is a piece of cake for oral surgeons. Just write Tuesday off as a bad day, and skip mentally to Wednesday when it will be all over and you will be healing. I will be thinking of you.
Posted By: Dai Phan DDS, MS Re: Teeth - 03-20-2007 12:44 PM
You should know that because you will recieve radiation, it does not mean that you need to have ALL your teeth removed. Only the ones that are deemed to fail in the future and are in the field of radiation need to be removed. I assume that all your teeth are hopeless. Keeping your mouth clean during radiation is very important. I am sure you will make it through just fine! DP
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