Posted By: Susan aka Tami's Mom Dual Port Removal - 10-12-2005 08:20 PM
Prior to my chemo treatments, I had a dual port implanted in my upper chest (near left shoulder) which was used for the chemo. Now that all my treatments are over, how soon do you think it can be removed.

Tami's Mom
(Susan) cool
Posted By: Daniel Bogan Re: Dual Port Removal - 10-12-2005 09:12 PM
Hello Susan,

Thats a question for your doctor. Who knows if she will need the port in the future? I have been on chemo for 17 months now and am on my thrid different type of drugs. I am thankful for the port. Only one little pick for both the blood draw and infusion.
How long before she receives a scan to determine how well the chemo did?

Wishing you and her the best, Danny Boy
Posted By: Susan aka Tami's Mom Re: Dual Port Removal - 10-13-2005 01:18 PM
My oncologist doesn't want to do a PET Scan for a few months after chemo/radiation which ended at the end of August. I'm assuming probably in November. I have an appointment this month (19th) - I'll check with them. Thanks!
Posted By: ChuckF Re: Dual Port Removal - 10-13-2005 07:17 PM
I got mine removed in what was a 4 for 1 surgery. They went in to do the post- rad biopsy of the tonsil area, and a quad scope. They stained and analysed the tonsil tissue right there in the OR, and when it came up clean, they performed the neck dissection and removed the port. All for 1 anesthesia. This was all about 10 weeks after competion of Chemo/Rad treatment.

Good health,
Posted By: Terry B. Re: Dual Port Removal - 10-13-2005 08:30 PM
When I had my neck dissection I wanted them to remove my port especially since it started not working right. Each time I was in the hospital it would not flow right so I had the traditional IV in the arm. I called the surgeon who put it in and he would not do it at the same time as my neck dissection because the dissection was a serious operation and he didn't want to risk anything.

My reg doctor who use to work in oncology said that some people do not get them removed. I do not know if I want to be put to sleep again. I'm a big chicken so I would definately need to be put to sleep.

If asnyone has anything
Posted By: foulket Re: Dual Port Removal - 10-13-2005 10:11 PM
Once I was drinking enough fluid and had a clear scan and biospy, I had mine removed. I did not get knocked out just had a local. The whole procedure to remove it only took about 1/2 an hour.
Posted By: Terry B. Re: Dual Port Removal - 10-14-2005 07:18 AM
They told me that I could do this but would feel a pulling. How did it feel? How much did it hurt?
Posted By: foulket Re: Dual Port Removal - 10-16-2005 06:57 PM
You could feel them tugging. A couple of times I would feel some pain, once I told him he would stop and apply some more local before proceding. I would say the most annoying thing was the curtain that they hang between your face and their work area. The nice thing was afterwards the only side effect was my chest felt numb. I even felt good enough to go to lunch and drive home.
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