Posted By: PJ NO CANCER! - 08-20-2002 03:06 PM
Got back from houston last night. very long day..but the good news is that they find no cancer in the growth. He biopsied all around it as well. It is some type of tissue growing there that isnt supposed to be there, but not cancer. he got as much of it as he could without getting into the tongue muscle itself. i will go back every 6 months to see if it starts growing again. i guess if it does they will have to do the more drastic surgery. i had a temp yest and my throat is very swollen, but i will not complain. I couldnt have made it without this board these last 3 weeks of waiting, etc. I will continue to watch the board and keep up with my new "friends". Thanks again for all of your support.
Posted By: youngerag Re: NO CANCER! - 08-20-2002 04:21 PM
PJ, That is wonderful news. Make sure you keep the check-ups for every six months. I'm really happy for you and good luck in the future. Anne.
Posted By: jicris Re: NO CANCER! - 08-21-2002 02:03 PM
That's wonderful news, PJ. Congratulations.

I have a biopsy scheduled for tomorrow. Naturally I'm very concerned about it...and the results. Scared. When I saw your post, I searched your member number and read all of your posts, and the replies of course. Your story is about all that I've seen here on the forum that gives me any hope. Most of what I've read here is dreadfully terrifing. It really makes me wonder, if the biopsy is positive, whether I should go ahead and let them carve me up, and burn me up with radiation, or not. I don't have any pain or other symptoms. Maybe I'd be lucky enough to get killed in a car wreck, or have a heart attack, before the oral cancer causes me any problems.

I was sure happy to read your story and learn that there isn't always fire where there's smoke, or should I say there isn't always cancer where there's smoking.
Posted By: youngerag Re: NO CANCER! - 08-22-2002 09:05 AM
Jrcirs, Hopefully, your bio will be negative. But if it is not you will get a lot of support from this forum. We have all been through many things, sugery, RAD and Chemo. But if you read most of our posts we are all happy to be alive. We may have had to make changes in our lives and lifestyles, but life if about change. Yes, some of us still have pain and problems, but we are alive. Keep your thoughs positive and let us know the results of your bio. We are here to help and coach. Take care Anne.
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