Posted By: lawill Taste tip - 07-25-2002 12:06 PM
Hi everyone! Just a quick note to let you all know that I think I have discovered a new trick that helps me taste sweet sensations! Instead of putting about three scoops of sugar in everything, I tried artificial sweetner (Sweet and Low) in my oatmeal and coffee. It tasted much better and seemed to stimulate my salavitory glands. I still use sugar too, however, to give me my calories. It works for me and it may be worth a try for you. Lorraine
Posted By: Joanna Re: Taste tip - 07-25-2002 01:50 PM
Thank you, Lorraine! Sweet is the taste I miss the very most, and I will certainly give your discovery a try. I am kind of jumping the gun as right now my mouth is in no condition to eat anything, but very soon. In the meantime, I will lay in a supply of Sweet and Low. Thanks again!
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