Posted By: rosymonroe radiation burn, OUCH! - 05-12-2013 05:54 PM
Any suggestions for the radiation burn? I have just finished my 5th week of treatment and the pain is getting pretty bad, the areas of my neck with creases are peeling and weeping and feel like they are stuck together when I look up. I have been using an RX named PruTect given to me by the radiation department, its like a white lotion I apply 2-3 times daily. My skin is peeling off also and I am really unsure if I should gentle remove peeling skin (this burns) or leave it in place where when it mixes with the lotion looks kind of dirty, it turns out to look like dirty goop in the creases of my neck. I have been using a light soap and gentle removing any peeling skin once a day, this usually takes about 30 minutes because I do it very gently and slow. Any ideas?

Posted By: Uptown Re: radiation burn, OUCH! - 05-12-2013 06:32 PM
Curious but are you putting on the lotion before treatment? That would certainly complicate the burning. I would not peel it and let it slough on its own. I used Domeboro soaks when my neck was like that for a couple of weeks. They are just a zinc mixture you add to water and then soak some gauze in it and lay it on the burns. Clears it up overnight.

Posted By: ChristineB Re: radiation burn, OUCH! - 05-12-2013 07:13 PM
Do not peel off the skin. If you dont already have prescription cream, ask for some. There are many different kinds out there. Basically all have the same directions, never apply prior to going to rads. Pat it on and let it soak in, never rub it in. Do this several times per day. if your skin is oozing, place a gauze square on top of the cream so your skin is more protected. Do not use tape. I used Beta-Val cream, aquaphor is another popular one as is silver sulfadine. When bathing, do not let the shower run directly on your sensitive skin. It may look terrible now but if properly taken care of you will not see one scar when it heels.
Posted By: Cheryld Re: radiation burn, OUCH! - 05-13-2013 03:21 AM
You may need a thicker creme - I loved Glaxal base but I'm not sure if you can get it in the states some Americans love aquaphor. - use it after treatment as much as you like, best of luck only a bit more to go,
Posted By: davidcpa Re: radiation burn, OUCH! - 05-13-2013 12:32 PM
I used aquaphor and it helped me.
Posted By: Kevin - Memphis Re: radiation burn, OUCH! - 05-13-2013 08:53 PM
Like many here I started with Aquaphor and graduated to Silvadene (Silver Sulfadiazine. That made a HUGE difference. Ask your doctor, it's prescription.

Posted By: KP5 Re: radiation burn, OUCH! - 05-14-2013 04:10 PM
Ditto what Kevin said. My Kevin did this too and it worked great. There are no scars at all.
Posted By: David2 Re: radiation burn, OUCH! - 05-14-2013 04:28 PM
Thritto to Kevin. Silvadene is the best when things get really bad in my experience. Keep us posted!
Posted By: PaulB Re: radiation burn, OUCH! - 05-14-2013 04:29 PM
I used aquaphor the 1st time, and 2nd time, and Cetephil the 3rd, and never had skin problems. I always use liquid soap to wash with also. Cetephil makes one too.
Posted By: rosymonroe Re: radiation burn, OUCH! - 05-14-2013 11:10 PM
I started out with Prutect RX, it was the only thing given or even suggested. I spoke with a different doctor today and SURPRISE they had samples of something else called miaderm, it burned like fire at first but after the initial burn I am much happier with it. She also suggested a "wound sheet" she says you put in the fridge and get cool, it has gel on one side you place on the burn and can be washed and reused, she couldn't find any but told me to ask the nurse that will be there tomorrow. She also suggested another topical application with lidocaine but I have to ask the nurse tomorrow. It is kind of funny that the techs there were very disappointed when they saw I had a wet rag around my neck for some relief and told me not to do that and the doctor yesterday told me to keep it moist and the doctor today said I could leave a cool washcloth on it all the time for relief if I wanted to. And the nurse I asked for something else for yesterday is the same nurse the doctor today is telling that she has it but they didn't know where to find it and I would have to ask her tomorrow. Strange
Posted By: rosymonroe Re: radiation burn, OUCH! - 05-14-2013 11:14 PM
Oh, and I forgot to add the doc today said they are moving away from using the silvadene on any kind of burns now and days. Shows how things change, when I worked as a nurse 10 years ago that was our go to for burns, and the first thing I thought of when I started turning red. Now she tells me she doesn't use it anymore.
P.S. sorry about the little bit of anger and frustration that showed in the above post, I think I am getting tired.
Posted By: AndrewL Re: radiation burn, OUCH! - 05-14-2013 11:25 PM
I was told to not apply anything to my neck within 4(or 6) hours prior to my radiation time. They mentioned creams and some lotions could interfere with the radiation if i remember correctly. That could be the reason the techs were unhappy. Im not sure which doc recommended the new options but I'd make sure your radiation oncologist (vs a medical oncologist) is on board with it.
Posted By: rosymonroe Re: radiation burn, OUCH! - 05-14-2013 11:37 PM
Agreed Andrew, not supposed to apply anything 4 hours before radiation but I don't think water would hurt, do you?.
The new doc was the other radiation oncologist (there are 3 where I go) smile

OK, now I am worried about the water on my neck before treatment, I will have to ask tomorrow, I didn't even think of it that way.
Posted By: KP5 Re: radiation burn, OUCH! - 05-14-2013 11:40 PM
All I know is Kevin's neck was disgustingly raw and it (the Silvadene) worked great. He doesn't have any scars and the skin is very smooth! No hair of course!!
Posted By: AndrewL Re: radiation burn, OUCH! - 05-15-2013 03:14 AM
The only reason I could see water hurting would be if it prevents or slows the lotion/creme from being absorbed into the skin.

Otherwise, I wouldn't see any issue but I'm no RO. Definitely something to check out with your doctor.

On the original question, I used aquaphor 2x per day and I didn't have terrible issues with my neck. I also made sure to stop using abrasive/drying soaps and face washes. I purchased cetaphil bar soap and used that throughout treatment.
Posted By: donfoo Re: radiation burn, OUCH! - 05-15-2013 04:12 AM
[quote=rosymonroe]Oh, and I forgot to add the doc today said they are moving away from using the silvadene on any kind of burns now and days. Shows how things change, when I worked as a nurse 10 years ago that was our go to for burns, and the first thing I thought of when I started turning red. Now she tells me she doesn't use it anymore.
[/quote]I see LOTS of posts where ppl have great results usingt silver silvadene so not sure I agreee with what your doctor says.
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