Posted By: Brendan Hanavan Pathology Results - 07-26-2011 02:49 PM
Had my pathology results today - 3 weeks after surgery.In total, I had 30 nodes removed from my neck and 3 were found to be cancerous under the microscope (one having burst through the capsule).
As a result I'm having six weeks of radiotherapy starting in about 3 to 4 weeks.In addition,I'll be having a weekly dose of chemotherapy at the same time.
I've been given a 60% chance of success - food for thought.

My swallowing is now pretty good and my neck scar is doing well.My tongue has lost much of the initial swelling and I'm even getting some feeling back (even if it's only a little).I'm able to chew very soft cakes and biscuits but I'm still occasionally biting my tongue due to the lack of sensation on the left side - so most of the time I'm still on toddler food.
I'm still numb in the ear and jaw area but my speech has improved a little.

I appreciate my impending treatment will set me back, but would appreciate other people's experiences in this area.
Posted By: David2 Re: Pathology Results - 07-26-2011 03:32 PM
Brendan, you're embarking on a rough road, no question. But you'll get through it.

I know what you mean about the numb tongue. Even though I only had a neck dissection they must've nicked some nerves because the left half of my tongue has remained numb since then - 2 1/2 years ago. Glad your swelling has gone down and feeling is returning. When it comes to nerves, as I've found, there's no way to determine how much or little will come back. My RO has told me that she's seen a return of nerve activity up to 5 years post-treatment.

My advice to you (others will weigh in similarly, I'm sure) is to try and eat as much as you can now before the treatment begins. I know it can be tough, but it's necessary. If you can't swallow enough to put on weight try liquid nutrition. Dunno what's available in England but I'm sure you have lots of options. I lost 30 pounds during radiation and I didn't have chemo.

It might be wise to get a thyroid test now so you have a baseline level. Radiation can muck with it and many of us, myself included, are now on lifelong thyroid medication as a result. I'm sure your docs have told you to visit a dentist as well for tooth evaluation.

You'll have many more questions and people here will answer them. I must admit I was a bit surprised by your 60% figure... maybe some doctors do throw these things around but I never believe them. Statistics are statistics; people are people. I never for a moment believed I wouldn't get through it all. You sound like a strong guy so remember: you're unique and not a statistic!

Have you been tested for HPV, btw?

Courage, and keep us informed along the way.
Posted By: Cheryld Re: Pathology Results - 07-26-2011 03:57 PM
Totally agree in the stats - I was never told them. My dr (head of surgical oncology at omh) said curative from the outset! So did my gp. I was told by someone else 57 % (another patient) cure rate - however - I was also told that with surgery adding in the radiation cuts those odds in half - so that would bring you to 80% ( also my dr pioneered a type of surgery that lessens that even more.) he apparently has a real time view of the cancer as he is operating. I was told by both he and the RO that they would only offer me radiation and chemo if there was a greater than 25% chance of recurrence - they then said to me I was in a gray area as to whether to offer it to me. After they got the results but because I had one node positive and it was extra capular - and because they knew I wanted this treated aggressively - the decided to give it to me. So I sm guessing I was below or near that 25%. Though my dr said outright - he believed I was cured. Not sure if the extra nodes changed those odds for you however - I would like to say that those stats are based on most patients with this kind of cancer - they are mostly older (more health problems) heavy smokers, and or heavy drinkers! That changes the numbers a bit. Regardless please dont listen to the odds ! Just go through and do what has to be done! Take care!
Posted By: Brendan Hanavan Re: Pathology Results - 09-17-2011 07:32 PM
David - many thanks for your reply.I've only just reviewed this particular post.I'll check with my consultant at my review clinic on Monday re. my thyroid. In addition, I was told that I would not be checked for HPV due to the very low possibility that cancer to the side of the tongue is linked to this virus.
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