Posted By: kenswife Keeping Track of Medications - 02-05-2011 05:46 PM
I am not sure if I should post this here or under the Caregiver section. Do any of you have suggestions on ways to keep track of medications and what was taken when? On a good day Ken couldn't keep things straight even before treatment. I feel like he thinks I don't trust him but I think he is even more confused now and has a hard time keeping track of things. We are trying a check list today where I am putting lines for how many doses and he is writing in the times but he is already having problems doing that. Any input would be helpful!
Posted By: debandbill Re: Keeping Track of Medications - 02-06-2011 01:02 AM

Are you working and not able to be there??

I assume that is the case but I totally understand the tracking thing. I was lucky to be able to be home and I charted everything..meds, supplement, fluids..everything. It was too hard to keep track without writing it down. Bill would not have been able to do it..he was just too sick and confused at times. I also placed a small bottle of Gatorade Rain by his chair to make sure he was swallowing that much every day.

Someone needs to oversight the meds especially if he is on narcotics. Is there someone that can come to the house each day to do that? All this is so important and its only a few weeks so hang in there...this too shall pass.


Posted By: DSCRANE Re: Keeping Track of Medications - 02-06-2011 02:45 AM

I will let you in on what I do with Bob. We do not have young children, so I put the pill or the liquid(the exact amount) out and write the times he is to take it down. He has my number,if he needs anything in between he can call. It works well, if it bothers him he hasn't said. If you do have young children and like this idea. If you have a master bathroom, maybe you could put it out in there and keep the door locked at all times. I hope this helps



Posted By: Karenj Re: Keeping Track of Medications - 02-06-2011 11:58 PM
We also found out quickly we needed a spread sheet which Emmett designed with the hours across the top and meds, meals, fluids, mouth care, exercises to be done daily down the side. Blacked out the boxes if no meds, etc. needed to be taken for an hour listed. He then wrote an X in the box when he took/did it. It was a mess before we came up with this plan - he printed a new sheet for each day. Was a good record for us to review how he was doing as the days start to run together in treatment. Plus it took the burdon off me to ask how he was doing.
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