Posted By: CMMoore What's left? - 12-08-2010 01:08 AM
We've tried Carboplatin, Erbitux, taxol, cisplatin, ermuxitab, 5-fu.... those have all been unsuccessful when it comes to removing the lung mets... any other drugs we might talk to the doc about thursday?
Posted By: Brian Hill Re: What's left? - 12-08-2010 03:55 AM
We had someone on the boards that bought a great deal of time doing RFA on the mets, while other options were explored. This is not curative, but could eliminate the larger lesions, buying time. It's a long shot, but has no systemic downsides.
Posted By: CMMoore Re: What's left? - 12-08-2010 02:14 PM
Thank you Brian. I don't think we have any curative options, but he is not ready to accept defeat by any means. His chest surgeon said after his third lung surgery that he was finished with options there. (Matt selectively doesn't remember that conversation)... He also thinks the Oncologist undertreated him chemotherapy wise. I am sure it's all fear talking, and I can't blame him.
I will bring up RFA and get information from our docs. I appreciate your input greatly.

Posted By: CMMoore Re: What's left? - 12-10-2010 04:50 PM
We asked his doc yesterday about RFA, he said no one in our area does it, and the only uses he's heard of was on livers.
Sounds like we'll be traveling to different docs when the time comes to try it.
Posted By: Brian Hill Re: What's left? - 12-11-2010 04:54 AM
They likely do it a MDACC in Houston. Glenn had it done at Memorial Sloan Kettering in NYC on his lungs. For about 6 months they destroyed the largest of the lung lesions he had, leaving the small ones. They have to have the ability to do a CT guided needle insertion, and have someone on staff very familiar with doing it.
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