Posted By: patkers new and confused - 12-02-2009 07:19 AM
I am new to this. Have tongue cancer. Originally diagnosed 3 years ago and had surgery and radiation. Came back in Jan 2009. Surgery March 2009. Radiation again May/June 2009. Just had biopsy and it is back again. Scared, confused. Had 3/4ths of tongue removed in March. Don't want to lose more. Headaches prevent sleep. No matter which way I lay or even if I lay back in recliner I can't sleep due to headache pain. Any suggestions for sleep and/or help for what is ahead? Thank you.
Posted By: walknlite Re: new and confused - 12-02-2009 10:30 AM
You found the right place. I wish I could give you some suggestions, but I am just now starting my treatments and I do not know what is ahead. I do know that there is a lot of people on here that can help you out.

YOu may want to put some info about the type and stages in a signature so that we do not all have to ask. Just go to your profle under My Stuff and you will see where to put it.
Posted By: davidcpa Re: new and confused - 12-02-2009 01:22 PM

You really need to make sure your treating doctors are aware of your headaches.

Have you had a recent PET scan?

Where are you being treated?

There are many here that have lost a significant portion of their tongue but I don't remember headaches like you describe being discussed.
Posted By: ChristineB Re: new and confused - 12-02-2009 02:22 PM

Welcome to OCF. Are you being treated at a cancer center? Has your doc prescribed anything you could take for sleep? Alot of people here have taken Ambien. I would talk to your doc about your headaches and let them know your sleep problems. Hope you get some relief soon.
Posted By: patkers Re: new and confused - 12-05-2009 06:46 AM
Thank you. Yes, recent pet scan showed a problem and a biopsy proved it was cancer. Likely the cause of the headaches. Now facing surgery to remove most/all of my tongue. Very concerned. Anyone been through this?
Posted By: suzanne98 Re: new and confused - 12-05-2009 04:51 PM
Hi Pat and welcome to OCF. Not sleeping is never's hard to deal with anything, especially cancer treatment on no sleep. Ask your doctor what they can do for you..I'm sure they will have something to help you. I'm sorry to hear you have had a recurrence after everything you have been through. You have found a great group of people here.
Posted By: nancys2 Re: new and confused - 12-06-2009 12:48 PM
Pat, welcome but sorry you have to join this club. Where is the new growth? My husband before diagnosis had severe pain which
started in his ear and radiated up one side of his head, not a typical headache. The tumor was wrapped around one of the nerves on his tongue which radiated to the ear and head.
Are you going to a CCC?
keep us posted and sorry you have to go through this again.
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