Posted By: Kelley F white patch on tonsil - 06-07-2009 01:45 PM
A couple weeks ago, I had a very bad sore throat and after several days, notices bumps in the back of my throat. I went to urgent care, told me they were pus pockets, swabbed me for strep(negative) and diagnosed with me pharyngitis. My dentist earlier gave me a script for amoxycillin just in case and the urgent care doc told me I could start taking it, even though I was negative for strep. I never did. My sore throat and pus pockets went away and I started feeling better, so I thought it was viral. Now, within the last few days, my throat is acting funny. Doesnt hurt, maybe a little scratchy on left. A few transient pains through throat. My left sinus is plugged up(i've been suffering from this over a year), have been experiencing pnd and like I said earlier, feel a scratchiness in my left throat(and ear). Anyway, looked in throat and saw white patch on tonsil(or where tonsil used to be) less than 1/2" long and 1/8" wide with irregular edges(same side where cancer originated). What could this be? Leukoplakia or worse?? Reaction to allergies or gerd( I do have a little acid reflux) I've gargled with salt water a couple times(this is when it starts itching). What do you guys think? I get so consumed with fear sometimes it sucks! I see my mo tomorrow for routine check up and I'll have him look. I just thought I would ask you guys because, lets face it, we're the experts. We've lived through it! Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.

Posted By: walknlite Re: white patch on tonsil - 06-07-2009 02:02 PM
Wish i could help you out on that. As I have white patches on my Right tonsil at the moment, but I had a positive strep test yesterday morning. I was scared out of my mind when my throat started hurting and ear started hurting. I hoped it was just strep throat and it was. Let us know what your MO says tomorrow.
Posted By: ConnieFL Re: white patch on tonsil - 06-07-2009 02:10 PM

I had a feeling in my throat it felt like a lump and hard to swallow. Of course, I thought the worse cancer in the throat. I asked my Oncologist he said, it's not cancer you have Acid Reflux, I never had Acid Reflux before. I was given a prescription within 2 weeks it's gone. Have it checked out that's all it might be. Any ache or pain we think here we go again.

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