Posted By: small minnow I'm lucky..friend progressing - 07-04-2005 05:32 PM

In the last six weeks I've have a biopsy and scans and on Friday got the good news..not malignant. I am very lucky.

Felt sad celebrating while my friend is battling with the after effects of radiation.
Five months post treatment he's very, very thin and still unable to swallow much, he never had a PEG and won't take liquid thickening products supplied by hospital.

He now can't have any more prescriptions for cocaine mouthwash .. Has anyone any ideas about an effecive substitute?
I also wonder that he's not had a scan - they say it's too early because cancer cells may still be dying. On this site I get the impression that scans are usually carried out about three months after treatment.
Is this true?
Very best wishes and love to everyone
small minnow
Posted By: Brainstorker Re: I'm lucky..friend progressing - 07-04-2005 11:28 PM
I'm trying to think when my first scan was done after treatment. My last day of radiation was March 11 and my first CT scan was done on May 16th and they tell me that my next one is coming up in September.

The mouthwash was a mixture of Lidocaine I think. My insurance only covered so much of it for a month long period, but when I ran out, the radiation doctor figured out a way around this by re-writing the formula. It was a slightly different mix, but still effective. Then again I only probably needed it from the last three weeks of treatment to about a month after treatment ended. It wasn't something I swallowed but swished around in my mouth.

Posted By: Cindy B Re: I'm lucky..friend progressing - 07-04-2005 11:51 PM
Has your friend tried mophine for a mouthwash?
I personally cannot use the liquid morphine due to burning issues. I have spoke with other pts. and they did not have the problem I had. I also have dilaudid liquid, this helps some.
As for the scans my CT's will be repeated every 3 months for 2 years than yearly.
Currently in treatment for buccal cancer, Stage III, N0,MO.
Receiving 10 weeks of treatment radiation and chemo, every other week.
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