Posted By: dabanks Swollen tissue beneath tonsil? - 09-05-2014 12:35 AM
So, beneath my right tonsil, I've had this strange accumulation of tissue/growth? I have no clue what it is but its been there a while, kinda painful to touch, and semi-firm. I've attached links to pictures, I'm just terrified that I have no clue what it could be. I went to an ENT for this issue, but he was looking at something else when I told him (some other bump in the back of my throat, which has since gone away, not what I told him was concerning me.) Any thoughts? It reminds me of a flap, I'm just wondering it its normal tissue or not (no one to compare to because no one seemd to be able to stick their tongue out far enough to let me see back there).

It's on the left side of the picture, kinda near the lingual tonsils. [img:center][/img] [img:center][/img]
Posted By: davidcpa Re: Swollen tissue beneath tonsil? - 09-05-2014 11:49 AM
I would go to another ENT. Remember we are not doctors.
Posted By: ChristineB Re: Swollen tissue beneath tonsil? - 09-06-2014 02:02 AM
Dabanks, welcome to OCF!

Even if your photos had been shown on the forum (they didnt work???) we would not have been able to identify what it was. Its best to find an ENT who specializes in oral cancer to give you a thorough exam. Only thru a biopsy would they be able to determine if the tissue is cancerous or not. It could be any number of things other than cancer. Hopefully its nothing too serious and can easily get corrected.

Best wishes!
Posted By: n74tg Re: Swollen tissue beneath tonsil? - 09-07-2014 02:17 PM
Hi Dabanks - I had tonsil cancer myself about a year ago. Mine swelled up all the way to the uvula, ie my throat was half blocked. Of course that scared the doctors to death. It also got me an earlier surgery date.

My swelling was very firm as the ENT said upon exam, but it wasn't tender to touch. It didn't affect my breathing or my ability to chew or swallow.

Do what the others suggest, ie get yourself to an ENT experienced in oral cancer. All ENT's are not so experienced. If he suspects cancer he will suggest a biopsy of the mass. Even if he doesn't there's nothing preventing you from suggesting it, even if only to see what he says.

Hang in there, you will get through this, and we will be here backing you up every step of the way.

Posted By: OzMojo Re: Swollen tissue beneath tonsil? - 09-26-2014 11:44 AM
I'm sorry, I just get an image of a kid saying "It might be a tumour" and Arnie saying "Its not a tumour!". Its been a routine joke around this house all year.

Of course its a question for an ENT. Not necessarily a different one, there is probably a reason he discounted it in the first place. If you go back and finds it still there he'll do a biopsy if it looks abnormal. A biopsy is the only definitive way to diagnose it.
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