Posted By: gj9 Recently Diagnosed by gj9 @ 12/26/09 09:07 PM - 12-27-2009 05:16 AM

Palatal Gingiva #2&3 Squamous Carcinoma hpv16. awaiting results of mri and pet scan, concerned about survival rate. Unknown as to how long i've had this, I thought I was just having sinus infections, then went in for a tooth ache. any feedback appreciated. g.
welcome to the forum! i know that awaiting test results can be stressful. just remember, you are not alone.

this group can enhance your knowledge about your disease and replace feelings of helplessness and uncertainty with a sense of control.
sharing your experiences here can provide a rewarding alternative to coping with this alone.

we try to help each other to cope with problems that we all share.
dont fret about the % that your are given by the doctors--its just that...a number.
focus all your energy on survival.

please let us know what the PET scan shows and what the doc says.

Where is the Primary? Base of tongue, tonsils?

Where are you being seen?

What Stage did they Dx?

Any Tx suggestions yet?


Much help here you are in the right place. Many folks here have been where you are going. Keep us posted on the PET and what TX they reccomend
Posted By: gj9 Re: Recently Diagnosed by gj9 @ 12/26/09 09:07 PM - 12-28-2009 06:48 AM
Many thanks for the responses, helps a lot. I'll keep posted as to PET and TX results.
I'm told there's a significant amount of surgery and stuff to remove, hard palat, teeth and upper jaw plus radiation, possible chemo to shrink tumor prior to surgery. Also
awaiting meeting with tumor board at UCSD.
Again many thanks, this thing really caught me off guard, and have been a bit spun
since, g.
Gi, UCSD is a great place you are in good hands

Posted By: DonB Re: Recently Diagnosed by gj9 @ 12/26/09 09:07 PM - 12-29-2009 07:47 AM
UCSD has several excellent dedicated Head and Neck Oncology Surgeons with very impressive credentials. I am sure you will see or hear about Dr. Kevin Brummund.

Dr. Brummund, was the guest speaker at our last months SD County OC Support Group meetings. You are in good hands.
Welcome to the group. I am as healthy as ever. Good luck with the treatment.

After being diagnosed with SCC of the hard palate in April, I had a palatectomy and maxillectomy last May, followed by chemo and radiation -- got through treatment and am getting back to "new normal" now.

Do you know what part of your palate they are planning to remove? How many teeth have they told you they need to take out? Will you be getting an obturator (prosthetic device) afterwards?

Those of us with the hard palate location are not all that common. I hope I can be of some help to you as you go through this. Feel free to ask anything!

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