Posted By: AmyK Hello to all - 10-17-2008 04:36 PM
Hello, I am fairly new here. I have been lurking for awhile. Reading other post. Getting an idea who everything works.
Thought I would just jump in and let everyone know I am here, and maybe a little bit about me and my situation.
Spring of 07 I went to my Doc. I had an ear ache deep inside my right ear. Doc couldn't find anything causing it. Called it an allergy. Told me to take sudefed. I went home. Sudefed alone was not enough but OTC pain meds controlled it so I took them both. The pain went away that summer and returned during the fall. I don't remember the ear ache went I quit smoking in March of this year. I remember telling my hubby that it sucked that he didn't have any with drawls from smoking not even a sore thoat. I know that in July my ear and my throat hurt (right side) so bad that I told the hubby that when I got back from my vacation I was going to the Dr. Which of course I did not do. Must have been in the end on July or begining of Aug. that my tooth. (right rear molar) started to scream. I hate the dentist, so I haven't been in sometime. This tooth was bad and I thought that MAYBE it could have been the problem the whole time. I saw the dentist on a Wed. The tooth could not be saved. I noticed something at that dentist appt. I noticed that I couldn't open my mouth. It just would not open. Not because of pain, though it does hurt. I didn't think anything of it, and I guess the dentist didn't notice because other than "open wider" he didn't say a thing. When I got home I felt better! It must have been the tooth, right? WRONGE. Friday I just didn't feel good. Just lazy. On Sat. I went out and did some yard work. I live in Florida so it got too hot to work outside I came in and took a nap. Woke up and my neck looked like I had the mumps! This time I went to the Dr. He said it was a peritonsillar abscess. Gave me a shot of anitbiotics and sent me home with more antibiotics. Went back to the Dr. 10 days later for more meds as the ones he gave me didn't work. He gave me 7 more days of antibiotics and told me that if this didn't work I would have to have it drained. It didn't work. On 9/8 I went to the ENT he says if I don't have an tonsillectomy, I'll end up with a trac. I get the tonsillectomy the next day. (wouldn't you?) On 9/23 I go back for a recheck and get nailed with a Squamous Cell Carcinoma in my tonsils. After that it's all a blur. This is what I know I have had a PET scan it showed that is is at Stage IV It is still in the back of my throat, back of my tongue, and lymph nodes on both sides of my neck. I waiting to start chemo and radiation, after that I get to have a little more surgery. I had PEG tube and a Mediport put in on the 8th of OCT. I am a 40 year old, white female, there is no cancer running in my family. The Chemo Dr. thinks that I may have HPV and he is having my tonsils tested for the verus. I guess I will learn the results of that test when I go back and get this thing started. I have no insurance. I am now on Floridas Medically Needy program. As I am indeed Medically Needy. I am a pessimist by birth. And love to be a cynical smart a**. I spell terribly and don't see anything like spell check for the forum! And I ramble.
It's nice to meet you all.
Posted By: ChristineB Re: Hello to all - 10-17-2008 10:32 PM

Welcome to OCF Amy. Please feel free to tap the knowledge or the caring people of this board. Ask any questions, it will help you thru yor journey. Best of luck with everything.
Posted By: EzJim Re: Hello to all - 10-17-2008 10:39 PM
Grrrrrrrrr I just typed a page and hit the wrong key somewhere. GONE. Welcome aboard Amy. I think we all had to take the baby steps until someone finally listened. Got checked a few times at ERoom for some strange things happening to my mouth, like teeth falling out or breaking off. Oh yea, take this pill and it will go away. I was getting a scope every 3 months for my esophagus so I asked the Dr to check me out while he was in my mouth and throat. When I came to he was there and told me he had made an appt. for me with a good Cancer surgeon and to make sure I kept it. He said it didn't look good. Within a few days I had begun my journey and a War. I won't type anymore, but you know the rest or will soon. Let me wish you good luck and get yourself a good positive attitude and you will kick butt.
Posted By: Deejer47 Re: Hello to all - 10-17-2008 11:11 PM
Hi, Amy, just want to wish you the best of luck on this journey. I, too, had cancer that started on my tonsil and spread to the lymph node. 7 weeks of daily radiation and weekly chemo and I am cancer free. Be strong.
Posted By: Claudia Nelson Re: Hello to all - 10-18-2008 12:48 AM
Amy. Don't worry about your spelling and you can ramble all you want. We are all here for you. I wish you all the luck in the world. It's not easy. At times it's hard to stay positive, but hang in there. You take care and keep posting. Lots of love from, Claudia
Posted By: Donna MFS Re: Hello to all - 10-19-2008 02:49 PM
Hi Amy. This is my first post also. My hubby has left tonsil cancer with bilateral lymph nodes Stage IVb. Has had neck dissection, started chemo two weeks ago. Will go two more rounds and then chemo/ IMRT radiation for 6 1/2 weeks. Has chemo port and will have PEG put in very soon. Keep the faith...this forum is the very best thing going...everyone is so supportive and informative. I have been reading for awhile. Since my husband refuses to join a support group, I decided to instead, because he will read anything that I suggest to him that has positive, informative posts and I need the support. My best of luck to you and yours.
Posted By: girlcat36 Re: Hello to all - 10-19-2008 03:04 PM
Hi Amy,
I had HPV+ tonsillar cancer. I was under a doctors care for my throat/ear problem(as in-"there's nothing wrong with you") for two years before I got my diagnosis, so your story sounds familiar. Wish you the best, there is a lot of support here.
Posted By: Pandora99 Re: Hello to all - 10-19-2008 04:44 PM
Hi Amy. I think you will find that many of us that are frustrated by misdiagnosis or non-diagnosis of our cancers. It is difficult to get on with treatment while still dealing with what is reasonable anger at having had this happen. Keep posting and hopefully some of us can offer you some assistance and support.

Posted By: davidcpa Re: Hello to all - 10-20-2008 01:54 PM

It's best to start your own post. That way we can respond to one topic at a time.
Posted By: marma Re: Hello to all - 10-20-2008 05:18 PM
Dear Amy,

Welcome to the forum. This can be tough but you can get through it and get back to your life. You will be blessed to have support on this site. I just have a few things I'd like to comment on about your post.

1. Oral cancer is not generally believe to be one of the kinds of cancer that is hereditary.
2. HPV is a common cause of oral and cervical cancer but a VERY high percentage of women have HPV, and it *usually* doesn't lead to cancer and is not tested for when you get STD tests initially.

All the best to you!
Posted By: AmyK Re: Hello to all - 10-20-2008 06:40 PM
Thank you all for your warm welcome. And David, I don't understand. I though I had started my own post. I didn't think I jumped in to someones thread?
Posted By: suemarie Re: Hello to all - 10-20-2008 07:28 PM
Amy- You didn't jump into anyone's thread. You are doing just fine here.

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