Posted By: misslemonverbena Hi there - 10-09-2008 02:20 AM
Hi there.
I've been lurking around, finding lots of help here in the last few months so I thought I would go ahead & introduce myself. My name is Megan. My husband finished his radiation therapy about six weeks ago & his recent CT scan was mostly positive. I have a few questions which I'll try to post in the appropriate forums. Thanks!
Posted By: darkeyedlady0 Re: Hi there - 10-09-2008 03:20 AM
Hi Megan, I just wanted to write a quick post to let you invite you whole heartedly to jump in and ask away. The people here have a lot of experience and are very caring and helpful. I want to also let you know that you have already come through a great deal and Jim is very lucky to have you by his side...

keep looking up you are doing great!!!

Posted By: misslemonverbena Re: Hi there - 10-09-2008 06:41 AM
Thank you so much darkeyedlady0 for your warm welcome. I kinda needed that.

Maybe you or the others could help me with my signature? For example, I'm not sure it was "radical" neck disection. Lymph nodes were removed as well as the tumor. I know it was squamos cell carcinoma. I never asked the stage, & I don't think I will. What other info should I include? I'm just now getting the hang of this cancer lingo.
Posted By: Bob Whyte Re: Hi there - 10-09-2008 01:31 PM
Megan, welcome aboard, you will find that most add what Chemo they had, any surgery and if it is known what caused the cancer( ie. smoker. alcohol, HPV etc, whether you are the caregiver etc). Hope this helps a little. Semper-Fi Bob
Posted By: Suess57 Re: Hi there - 10-10-2008 02:58 AM
Hi Megan,

Glad you decided to join the boards. Feel free to ask questions. There are a lot of knowledgable, caring and experienced individuals who frequent the boards. It's a big step to go from lurking to talking but you get a great deal of support that way.

Posted By: MS T Re: Hi there - 10-11-2008 05:39 PM
Hey Megan,

Welcome! I was a lurker too (heh,heh) I'm not normally an open person (I'm more of a listener then a talker) so it took me a bit to finally decide to "log in" and join the forums.
I'm so glad I did! What an amazing group of people here. So caring and so willing to share in any way that it will help.
If you've seen any of my posts? you'd never believe that I'm a quiet, not usually much to say, especially about myself kinda person. Seems I've learned how to chat away! ~grin~.
It has much to do with the openness and true caring of the individuals here that have made me so comfortable that I can actually talk about the things that are so hard to talk about in my life right now. and in doing, I have learned so much and been helped so much by all the folks here.
Welcome, welcome, welcome.... and all my best to you and your husband.
Posted By: misslemonverbena Re: Hi there - 10-14-2008 08:26 AM
Thank you all, for your kind replies. I've gotta say I'm feeling scared to death, so it's really helped already, going on this forum. I need to post about dental problems.
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