Posted By: Scot6952 Good Morning - 05-29-2006 11:27 AM
Good Morning. Only ran across this site this a bit and registered. Diagnosed with cancer of the tongue (squamous cell) July 2004. Had radical neck dissection followed by chemo (three sessions of Cisplatin and 5FU) and finally my thirty five radiation treatments interspersed with three sessions of chemo (Cisplatin). Finished treatment (Oct 29.....don't think I'll ever forget that date). Recovery was slow but positive (I think I was looking for something faster). However, I sit here this morning drinking my coffee being so very thankful to my God, my doctors and friends and family. Niether my taste or saliva are what they were precancer but they are okay and at this point I think they are as good as they're gonna get. I feel thankful and blessed. If anyone has any questions, please ask. I'm not a vast resource of knowledge but I do know of my experiences. Happy Memorial Day, everyone and God Bless. John
Posted By: minniea Re: Good Morning - 05-29-2006 12:36 PM
Welcome to the site John, the more experienced posters the better. I will celebrate my third year anniversary on July 10th and hope to see many more. Like you, I am grateful. Hope to hear more from you.
Posted By: herson Re: Good Morning - 05-29-2006 04:10 PM
Hi John,

Thats great to hear, gives me hope,..

all the best!

Posted By: JAM Re: Good Morning - 05-29-2006 08:20 PM
John, thank you for joining us and what a nice message. smile Amy
Posted By: wilckdds Re: Good Morning - 05-29-2006 10:56 PM
Hi John,

Welcome. It's always great to add another survivor to our ranks.

Congratulations as you approach your 2 year mark.

Posted By: Kim S. Re: Good Morning - 06-01-2006 05:37 PM
My father just finished treatment in May so glad to hear about survivors and that it will get better. I am beginning as I know he is if he will ever eat solid food. How long before any taste came back to you and how did it begin? I think if my Dad could taste something it might also help his ability to eat.
Posted By: Joanna Re: Good Morning - 06-02-2006 02:23 AM
Welcome, John. Another survivor is always welcome, as it gives hope to those in treatment.

Kim, it was probably 4 to 5 weeks before I began to regain taste, and it did not come back all at once. First salt, last sweet. I ate a lot of chicken noodle soup because I could taste it. I remember eating a piece of apple pie, tasting one bite that was so delicious, then the next bite tasted like cardboard. Avoid salad dressings because vinegar is like fire. It is a gradual process, but try your dad on salty things in a couple of weeks. Recovery can be a slow process, and will teach you the meaning of patience like nothing else. Hang in there.
Posted By: Scot6952 Re: Good Morning - 06-04-2006 10:02 PM
Hi Kim,
Hope your Dad is doing well.
After finishing treatment it was a couple months before did any eating to speak of....I just stuck with my Ensure. I know the first things that tasted good to me were milk and eggs (scrambled) and then came ground beef. Peaches were pretty good and applesauce was absolutely horrible.....very metalic. It was just a matter of trying things. If something is bad, check it again in a week or two. The change is slow but things do change. And I think it is different for keep testing little bits. One bite will lead to two. Hang in there and God Bless. John
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