Posted By: Dolores Thanks to everyone - 10-06-2004 05:57 AM
Thanks to everyone who answered my post regarding my husband who was just diagnosed. We went to Cleveland Clinic yesterday for a panendoscopy and biopsy. (Second opinion after our initial visit with our local ENT.) He confirmed what we already thought. His "numbers" were T2, N2A, MO, SCC, right tonsil. All biopsies were negative in other areas, which I suppose is good! Recommendation: Chemo/radiation--we meet with the oncologists next week, and treatment will begin shortly after that. My husband is anxious to get started--I am just plain scared! The doctor is very optimistic, which helps! Wish us luck...
Posted By: Gary Re: Thanks to everyone - 10-06-2004 08:05 AM
Don't automatically let them pull his teeth! Especially if he is a candidate for IMRT. Many of us have kept all of our teeth. It does require a lot of work but it is worth it. Make sure that he has a detailed dental workup, cleaning and any repairs prior ro treatment. Have dental trays made for the constant flouride treatments that will be required.

It sounds like he might be a candidate for IMRT - I would push them for that also - it will preserve much salivary function in the long haul.
Posted By: Dolores Re: Thanks to everyone - 10-06-2004 08:11 AM
We are meeting with the Clinic's dentist prior to the oncologists appointments. He has always had good dental care, and flouride trays have already been mentioned. I will keep in mind your good advice, Gary. Thanks!
Posted By: Gary Re: Thanks to everyone - 10-06-2004 03:28 PM
You mean the clinic at the hospital? Watch out -they love to pull teeth (especially the dental oncologists)! They will scare you with OsteoRadioNecrosis (ORN) which is a 10% risk factor. If his teeth and gums are in good shape -there is little risk. Some people get ORN in spite of having their teeth pulled.

Implants sound good but he will need HBO treatment first and they don't always take in a radiated mouth. Not to mention wildly expensive.
Posted By: ssax Re: Thanks to everyone - 10-06-2004 03:41 PM
Hi Dolores,
Depending on your husband's current weight, you might want him to try and gain some before the radiation and chemo treatments start. A number of forum members have experienced significant weight loss during and immediately after treatment, so a little padding could help.
Best wishes for a successful treatment. - Sheldon
Posted By: KirkGeorgia Re: Thanks to everyone - 10-06-2004 05:40 PM
Dolores, What stage is his cancer? Are they indicating a tonsilectomy may be needed? Is there any indication of anything in the lymph nodes? Has anyone said anything about a neck dissection? Will pray his stage is low and all else are clear.
Posted By: Dolores Re: Thanks to everyone - 10-06-2004 06:01 PM
Kirk Georgia,
His right tonsil was removed, and the doctor indicated one lymph node was involved. Everything else came back clear. His numbers are T2,N2a,MO, which is Stage 4a, locally advanced, I believe. After chemo/rad, they will reevaluate about a neck dissection. Apparently it is borderline, and they prefer to wait until after the treatments. But I will know more after meeting the the radiation and hemotologist oncologists next week.
Posted By: minniea Re: Thanks to everyone - 10-06-2004 11:18 PM
Implants CAN be wildly expensive IF you have an insurance company that doesn't consider them a medical neccessity. Letters from my ENT and my dentist convinced my insurance that I needed my teeth, so implants were approved. Did the HBO, etc., now just waiting for the right time. Insurance companies are coming around slowly to the world of dental implants, I hope some day it won't be such a battle to put our mouths back as close to normal as possible. Insurance will pay for a womans breast to be reconstructed but not for dental implants?? Crazy.
Posted By: Mark Re: Thanks to everyone - 10-07-2004 01:52 AM
Minnie, I am not sure if it has anything to do with your last post or not, but when it is football night with the guys, we seldom make comments about the cheerleader's teeth. wink
Posted By: minniea Re: Thanks to everyone - 10-07-2004 02:42 PM
Now Mark, you have put me in a sticky situation. I asked my husband about your comment and he looked me straight in the eye and told me that he most certainly is looking at those cheerleaders beautiful, white, straight teeth...........he claims all the guys question if those pearly whites are "real". Who am I to believe??
Posted By: Uptown Re: Thanks to everyone - 10-07-2004 03:21 PM
Nothing like a big, beautifully shaped, pair of...front teeth! Natural or not, they look just as good.


Spend some time on this website to learn all you can BEFORE your next doctor visits. Use them to fill in the blanks but arm yourself with enough knowledge to ask the questions that you need answers for to fill in the blanks. The more you know the better decisions you and your husband can make.

The road will get more difficult, unfortunately, as time goes on but you will not have to face it alone. Ask any questions here that you may have and I am hoping for the time to go by quickly and the treatment will be exactly what your husband needs to beat the beast the firt time through.

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