Posted By: Lucy tongue cancer and thyroid - 11-26-2002 02:53 PM
I am new to this site. My sister was recently diagnosed with tongue cancer. Last February she was found to have a growth on her thyroid that they said was a very slow growing cancer. Does anyone know of a connection?

In addition, we are going to James Cancer Center at Ohio State on 12/2. What information/questions should I ask/receive. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Posted By: Brian Hill Re: tongue cancer and thyroid - 11-26-2002 08:51 PM
The risk factors for both types of cancers are the same, so the connection is usually cause related, for instance smoking. Treatments for both also follow similar protocols. As to your questions, they at first will center around how advanced is the cancer, what types of additional tests should be done to determine if there are other, yet undiscovered locations of cancer, and what will the treatments entail, and who will determine that. There will be a lot to digest in these first meetings. Take a pad and pen and make notes as things are discussed. It is all so overwhelming at first that you may miss things, and your notes will help you in the following days.
Posted By: nettypoho Re: tongue cancer and thyroid - 12-01-2002 06:25 PM

Welcome to the board. I am a 26 year old oral cancer patient who is being treated at OSU. I also am a graduate student there so I am around the hospital alot.

If you or your sister have any questions about the hospital or staff, feel free to email me.

My address is: [email protected]

I can say from personal experience that they are great at the James and will do everything possible for your sister. There is also a great support group for people with head and neck cancers that meets the first Monday of every month. Going to the support group meetings before I started treatments really helped out because I learned alot from the other's experiences. Most of the support group members are volunteers at the hospital also, so it helps you to make contacts.

Wishing you and your sister lots of hope. I will put you in my prayers.
Posted By: Rosalie Re: tongue cancer and thyroid - 12-06-2002 11:03 AM
Dear Lucy,
I was Diagnosed with Oral Cancer in October and I was just diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer. If I could be of any help to you or your sister please feel free to e-mail me at [email protected]
I look forward to hearing from you.
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