Posted By: Chief429 Odor in mouth at times - 06-18-2013 12:09 AM
I am 3 mos post treatment and have developed a mouth odor at night that my wife says can be strong. Get dry mouth and have an obturator which is out at night. Information obtained says it can be from many things I suspect food
Posted By: PaulB Re: Odor in mouth at times - 06-18-2013 12:44 AM
Food is one reason causing certain odors, and from the debris left in teeth, in mouth, being peutrified, but there are many other reasons, causes, illnesses, and then compounded by the radiation and chemo treatment causing mucocitus, ulceration, dry mouth, infections, increased plaque, and not being able to adhere to proper oral hygene, and necrosis of tissue, are some of the few.

Take care of what you can by seeing a dentist for teeth cleaning, plaque removal, treating dry mouth, brushing, flossing, rinsing after every meal, and there are a number of toothpastes, rinses that have some chemicals that help, the dentist may recommend. One is Chlorhexidine mouth washes.

I hope this helps.

Posted By: Cheryld Re: Odor in mouth at times - 06-18-2013 02:24 PM
HI there.. Oral hygiene is super important - assuming they didn't remove all your teeth and you want to keep them - get a waterpik or make sure you floss completely. Wash and rinse after every meal etc... ;o)

Posted By: David2 Re: Odor in mouth at times - 06-18-2013 07:02 PM
Water pik is a great suggestion. I don't know why I didn't get one years ago. No matter how diligently I floss, the pik does a better job. I also squirt a little Biotene mouthwash in the water for extra effect.
Posted By: klo Re: Odor in mouth at times - 06-18-2013 10:11 PM
Maybe discuss this with whoever installed your obdurator?? I wonder if the smell is coming from the cavity that is exposed when your obdurator is removed?? Just a guess - I have no idea if this is a legitimate possibility...
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