Posted By: MsSu New diagnosis, moderate dysplasia - 11-18-2012 11:58 PM
Rough patch of skin in roof of mouth for several years, checked ongoing by dentist who said it was nothing, but I noticed it has seemed to get bigger. Changed dentists and the new one referred me to an oral surgeon who did a biopsy with pathology report of moderate epithelial dysplasia. My concern now is to get proper treatment/follow up with right kind of doctor. Current options offered are 1) oral surgeon will do laser surgery to remove larger area and biopsy bigger piece of tissue or 2) go direct to ENT dr at a university hospital for 2nd opinion and treatment. Any advice or perspective appreciated.
Posted By: Leslie B Re: New diagnosis, moderate dysplasia - 11-19-2012 01:43 AM
My husband also had a diagosis of moderate dysplasia after his initial biopsy, done by an oral surgeon, of a very small area of a leukoplakia (white patch) on his tongue. Because cancer hadn't been diagnosed, the oral surgeon referred him to a "general" ENT for an excisional biopsy that removed the whole thing -- and the results of that biopsy turned out to be very early stage SCC. (Note that most dysplasias do NOT turn malignant.) At that point my husband began to see an ENT at Johns Hopkins, a top-rated cancer center; fortunately, that doctor determined that no further treatment was required.

If I had to do it over again (and I hope I never do!), I'd urge my husband to have the excisional biopsy done by an ENT who has seen a lot of oral cancer, like the doctor he ended up with at Hopkins. In his case, that would have saved some time once cancer was found.

I'll let others who have had laser biopsies weigh in on that treatment -- my husband had no experience with that. Best of luck with whatever you decide.

Posted By: Cheryld Re: New diagnosis, moderate dysplasia - 11-19-2012 02:56 PM
Ditto - go see someone who is very familiar with cancer. Leslie is right not all dysplasia turns into cancer, but if it does come back as cancer you're already in the right place, and if it doesn't you still have a foot in the door - if you need the person (hopefully you don't ever) In the future. A top notch cancer center is where you want to be if you ever have to be treated, but you should always seek out the best treatment. Take care.
Posted By: timothy6003 Re: New diagnosis, moderate dysplasia - 11-20-2012 01:18 AM
Cant' help but to agree with what Leslie said...


Keep usp posted...

Posted By: MsSu Re: New diagnosis, moderate dysplasia - 11-29-2012 12:57 AM
Thanks so much for your input. I have scheduled an appt to see the ENT Dr at The university hospital who has experience with head/neck cancer surgery.
Posted By: Bette Re: New diagnosis, moderate dysplasia - 11-29-2012 01:57 AM
Best place to be is at teaching hospital that has a Comprehensive Cancer Center. I wish my husband had gone with his first go round with cancer. We might not be having to make a third trip.
Posted By: Leslie B Re: New diagnosis, moderate dysplasia - 11-29-2012 04:12 AM
Here's hoping it's nothing, but if it's something, you'll already be where you need to be. Good call, and best of luck.
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