Posted By: deleader Greetings from NZ - 02-27-2012 08:16 AM
Hi there,

I've been on these forums for a couple of days and would like to thank everyone for the great advice and experiences they have shared. It's great to share these things so we can try and get to the bottom of things.

First time posting. I had a tongue biopsy on Tuesday (nice and painful!) and recovering well while I wait for my results. I have 3 white patches in my mouth, the largest of which is on the left-front dorsal surface of my tongue (15mm x 9mm). I have a 3mm x 3mm patch on right side of my tongue while I have a striatic lesion (white cobwebby) in the centre of the right buccal muccosa. Over the last 4 years I have gotten 2 fillings, top-left and bottom-right of my mouth in the general area of where the patches are. The fillings are both composite heliomolar.

My doctor suspects that the patches may be an allergy to my fillings. I have not seen much research online that shows allergies to composite fillings but it is always possible I guess. Bis-GMA does not sound like such a great substance from some articles but unsure if it would cause this. Anyone have any experience or heard anything like the above description. Fingers crossed for the results anyway (hopefully this week).

D smirk
Posted By: Cheryld Re: Greetings from NZ - 02-27-2012 03:49 PM
Hi there - I have to say.... Wow... I had problems for years with a broken molar I would have it filled it would fall out... It was quite jagged, my tongue had built up a thickened patch where this molar was. The dr. removed the patch and biopsied it (came back thickened skin - like a callous) likely to prevent my tongue from further damage by the molar ( our body does have its own protective mechanisms) anyway the tongue healed then a few years later I had a cap put in... That's when I really started having trouble, not a lot at first, but my tongue was sensitive. For ages, this went on then I finally went to the dr. After having the cap filed down a few times, the entire underside of my tongue was inflamed - the dr took a sample, came back - inflamed tissue - I don't think he went deep enough because I could feel a small lump in my tongue same area as my initial callous - regardless - I had the tooth filed again had allergy test for foods, took probiotics, you name it. I went back to my dentist, had another cap put in on the molar next to the bad one. Things got really bad after that - finally (after a few months I went to another ENT - he said it looks like lichen planus but wanted to biopsy the area took out a chunk of my tongue and sure enough it was SCC - I was doing research on lichen Planus - they think it can be caused by or mimic an allergy to the amalgam used in fillings caps etc.... So there might be your connection. And some scientists poo poo the theory though it's been tossed about for years - that long term chronic irritation can cause cancer... Well guess what that's the etiology of lung cancer, and oral cancer people say smoking, and drinking heavily can cause OC and smoking for lung - well yes both are irritants that over time can cause cancer.

My point - You can't rule anything out, but please don't take this as me saying you have cancer or will likely get it.... That's not the intent I was just throwing a few connections your way, your biopsy will give you the answers you need but either way - diligence, even after an all clear, and careful monitoring are important, good luck an I truly hope you are just passing through. Fingers crossed... Oh and of course welcome!
Posted By: ChristineB Re: Greetings from NZ - 02-27-2012 05:28 PM
Welcome to OCF. Im hoping your biopsy turns out to only be Lichen Planus. That is a white lacey looking area in your mouth. Check out the photos, click on each picture and then on diagnosis to see what it really is. There is a photo of lichen planus on the 4th left photo from the bottom. Try to keep yourself busy so you dont worry about the results.

Please let us know how your biopsy turns out.

OCF Gallery
Posted By: Deejer47 Re: Greetings from NZ - 02-27-2012 07:42 PM
Welcome to OCF and here's to clear biopsies.
Posted By: Gabe Re: Greetings from NZ - 02-27-2012 08:56 PM
Greetings to you Kiwi D and welcome to OCF.
If your biopsy was last Tuesday I am guessing you should not have to wait much longer for the result?
Also hoping it turns out to be clear and please post and let us know.
Posted By: deleader Re: Greetings from NZ - 02-28-2012 08:50 PM
Much thanks for all of the replies.

Unfortunately, the fillings are composite heliomolar and not amalgam so it makes it unlikely that it would cause lichen planus (but not impossible of course and not ruling it out).

Still waiting on results unfortunately. Surgeon said they should have the results within 10 days but unfortunately the next available appointment with ENT was not until the 10th of March. I saw my GP yesterday and tried to get him to chase things up to get results earlier but hospital did not seem to have any record of the biopsy... (It should have been recorded that they had the sample at least!)

I'm going to keep chasing things up to see if I can get the results earlier rather than wait another 2 weeks.

Posted By: Gabe Re: Greetings from NZ - 02-28-2012 09:39 PM
Unfortunately some professional medical people do not know how hard the mostly unnecessary long wait can be for the results.
Below is what I wrote on someone else�s post and think I had that verbal summary within the 10 days which is what you are now close to.
It is hard for me to make what I used to perceived as a �nuisance� of myself but experience has taught me that this is what is takes sometimes.
Best wishes for a good result too. Gabriele
I had my biopsy and some laser surgery on the 20th January. My appointment with the surgeon is not until the 13th of February.
I know biopsies do not take that long to come back so I contacted his nurse who gave me her mobile number before surgery.
She checked my file and the report was there but she had to check with the surgeon first. He OK�d her to let me know���etc etc
..(good news)
Posted By: Anne-Marie Re: Greetings from NZ - 02-29-2012 02:11 AM
Good for you, D - (and for you, too, Gabriele) for being persistent! Getting the results that you need sometimes involves trying different strategies, and at the same time being sweet about it so you don't antagonize the people that can help. The nurses and the office people can be very helpful, especially if you remember their names. My son's first ENT appointment was two weeks away which, at the time seemed like an eternity to me! With some slightly unusual strategy, we got it moved up to the next business day! Recently, I needed to get some medical codes from a new doctor's office so I could check my insurance re coverage. There was no human being manning the phone so I left a message for the person I was told to contact. A week later I had not heard anything so I got in my car and drove to the nearest Kinkos and sent a FAX asking for what I needed. I got the answer the next day. Another idea might be to cry a little when you get the office person on the phone or get someone to call for you so they can really emphasize that you are very stressed over this and need the information. Just a tho't. I sure hope you get the results really, really soon! Let us know what happens.
Posted By: Cheryld Re: Greetings from NZ - 02-29-2012 02:12 AM
Definitely push to get your answer sooner! Good luck!
Posted By: tamvonk Re: Greetings from NZ - 02-29-2012 04:09 AM
Hi deleader, I would be ringing the ENT for the results. That is certainly what I have done after kris' biopsies. Actually he rang me this last time, only 3 days later.
We are in Whangarei. All Kris's treatments were done in Auckland.
Really hope you have heard by now and that all is well.
Posted By: julieann Re: Greetings from NZ - 02-29-2012 05:21 AM
Hi D: Enough time has passed, and it time to call that ENT and tell him you want your results now. Waiting this long is unreal! If they say they'll call you back, wait about an hour and call them back. How terrible to have to wait this long - I would be a basket case by now. Do it!
Your OC friend, julieann
Posted By: deleader Re: Greetings from NZ - 03-06-2012 05:02 AM
Much thanks all for the tips - I managed to get in contact with the ENT last Friday and the result was Lichen Planus. Such a relief.

They have run a bunch of other blood tests and I am waiting on the results of those to see where to from here. I definitely still want to keep an eye on it but it's so hard to know exactly what might be causing it. Will have to see what can be done next.

Thanks for your support,
Posted By: ChristineB Re: Greetings from NZ - 03-06-2012 05:05 AM
Excellent news! From your description, I had thought thats what it was. Glad it turned out to not be cancerous! Congrats!!!!
Posted By: Cheryld Re: Greetings from NZ - 03-06-2012 01:09 PM
Hi there - great news -lichen planus has no known cure really though they are researching it. Someone I know who's had it for years said there's a correlation between it and stress - and I know when I was orinially diagnosed he said it looked like lichen planus and live probiotics helped - I did have an area that was scc of corse but the probiotics did help the other inflamed areas. Ask your dr. And do a bit of research on your own and definitely keep an eye on the area... But so happy for you!! Take care!
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