Posted By: Thomas Alexander It's my time... or is it? - 06-20-2008 01:20 AM
Keep me in your prayers, folks. After the typically brutal treatment combination of chemo and radiation that we all get, and I received last Oct-Dec, my recovery was coming along pretty well. Slowly, of course, but able to eat more and more often, saliva was returning, strength slowly returning, able to work 25 hrs a week, basically doing OK. Then the headaches started, my sore throat returned with a vengeance... and now my latest PET scan from June 3rd shows a whole bunch of new cancer. Drat! After all this successful treatment without surgery too. Original SCC was in base of tongue with 2 inflamed lymph nodes. That's all gone, and I must deal with it in my skull bones above and behind the left ear, it's in the vertabrae of my neck and spine and of course it's invaded my lungs as well. No wonder I have a sore throat and headaches, huh? Pretty persistent too.

Now the dr wants me to undergo mild radiation for 20 days, simply to knock the stuff back so I can bear it without being so doped up on narcotics. But he said he's not even going to recommend chemo because of the detrimental side effects. He was brutally honest, but knowing me as he does, he figured he wasn't going to sugar-coat my condition. And I appreciate that, to be sure. Better to have accurate bad news than inaccurate glossed-over good news. At least that's how I see it.

Anyway, the prognosis is not too bright, but we're going to make the best of it. Feel free to reply or send me an email to [email protected] I may be down, but I'm not out.
Posted By: suemarie Re: It's my time... or is it? - 06-20-2008 02:55 AM
I'm saying a prayer for you. My husband was in the middle of chemo and radiation when they found more positive nodes in his neck and on his lung. The cancer on his lung was from the floor of his mouth which was the original site-so distant metastasis. After 2 months of Erbitux, they found the cancer in his chest had gotten worse and he had a recurrance on base of tongue. No more radiation can be done so now he has had 8 treatments of Taxotere. Tomorrow will be a PET to see if THIS has worked. So we are kind of where you are. Trying to make the best of it.

Posted By: Thomas Alexander Re: It's my time... or is it? - 06-20-2008 03:33 AM
Oops, forgot to post my new signature. Here it is...
Posted By: ChristineB Re: It's my time... or is it? - 06-20-2008 12:19 PM


Im sorry to hear of your bad news. I too went thru chemo and radiation was declared cancer free and 3 months later its back. For me, it was only a spot on the inside of my cheek which was surgically removed. Keep up the good attitude you have, it can help you pull thru this. I will keep you in my prayers.

Posted By: davidcpa Re: It's my time... or is it? - 06-20-2008 04:15 PM

Hang tough and I'm hoping for something that will change all the negatives.
Posted By: wallyswife Re: It's my time... or is it? - 06-20-2008 07:32 PM
So sorry to hear your bad news. I went through this with my husband last Dec. Please get connected with hospice and keep your symptoms controlled. Your days may be numbered but hospice will help make them the best they can be. I will be thinking of you and wish you strength and courage to live each day.
Posted By: wilckdds Re: It's my time... or is it? - 06-21-2008 02:40 AM

I'm sorry to hear the bad news. I get the feeling from the title of your thread "...or is it?" and the last thing you wrote..."but I'm not out", that you still have some fight in you.

Have you considered another opinion? Are you being treated in a Comprehensive Cancer Center, with a team of doctors and the opportunity for several heads being put together? There may be some other options out there for you.

Please keep us posted and good luck.

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