4 years cancer free--for last three weeks i have had a sore throat and last several days have had jaw pain on right side only. feels as though my throat is tightening up on the inside. no fever. no congestion. curious if anyone had similar symptoms before a recurrence. thanks--angela

primary in tongue 7/2005; partial glossectomy and radical neck 8/2005; metastasis to neck lymph node 1/2006; neck dissection, 30 radiations, and 3 cisplats finished 4/2006
My opinion, don't read too much into these problems and get worked up about it but do have it checked by your ENT soon.
Hi Angela,

Anything lasting that long should be checked out. Doesn't mean its a recurrence, but maybe an infection (?).

Maybe you have what I was told is my problem,. Severe radiation burns and scars.
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