Posted By: VickieM Do we need a suction machine? - 02-29-2008 11:29 AM
I am hoping someone with experience can help. My dad was diagnosed almost 5 years ago. He did chemo and radiation. As a result of the radiation damage, he will never be able to take anything by mouth. He struggles with pleghm (sp). He has a hard time coughing things up. He would take a plastic spoon, and scrape the back of his mouth to aleve the problem. He says this no longer works. Has anyone experienced this before, and did a suction machine help? Thanks to all of you for your help and guidance through this difficult time.
Posted By: x28007 Re: Do we need a suction machine? - 02-29-2008 12:45 PM
i used a suction machine (prescribed by my doctor and paid for by my insurance). it was most helpful when i was going through the treatments and had hypersalivation and phlem. the suction machine was a great help to me. your dad might want to request one through his doctor. hope this helps. God bless!
Posted By: VickieM Re: Do we need a suction machine? - 03-04-2008 03:35 PM
Are you able to open you mouth very much. Dad can only do it about an inch or so. Was wondering if mattered. Is the tubing able to stretch to the back of the throat?

Posted By: x28007 Re: Do we need a suction machine? - 03-05-2008 10:01 AM
the tube has a plastic attachment at the end of it that you can replace as needed. yes, it can reach the back of the throat. the suction device works on a similar basis as the suction machine in your dentist's office. you can close your mouth while using it to provide more suction power or you can leave your mouth open. it works either way.
Posted By: VickieM Re: Do we need a suction machine? - 03-11-2008 10:07 AM
His problem is not about too much saliva. His is gunk stuck at the back of his throat. Thats why I was concerned that maybe a suction machine would not work, as I said before, he would try to scrape the gunk with a spoon.
Posted By: x28007 Re: Do we need a suction machine? - 03-14-2008 07:40 PM
hi vickiem,
i understand that his problem is phlem in the back of his throat and not too much saliva. i just meant that if the suction machine worked for me and reached all the way back into my throat that it would work on the gunk in the back of your dad's throat. hope this helps. good luck to you both!
Posted By: emmylou1951 Re: Do we need a suction machine? - 03-14-2008 10:47 PM
x28007: I sent private e-mail to you...I am in Troy, very near you...where did you receive treatment? Glad to know you're doing well...

Lois & Buzz (27371)
Posted By: x28007 Re: Do we need a suction machine? - 03-15-2008 05:18 PM
emmylou1951: I never received a private message. Where is Troy?
Posted By: emmylou1951 Re: Do we need a suction machine? - 03-15-2008 09:35 PM
x28007: I'll re-send original message. Troy is in Montgomery County
Posted By: Nancy A. Re: Do we need a suction machine? - 03-15-2008 10:04 PM

My sister used a portable suction machine during the entire treatment and it was a life saver. She used it also after vomiting to cleanse her mouth since it was hard for her to spit and swallow. Sometimes she would go to far back and get the gagging reflex, you just have to be careful of how far back you guide the receptor. It cost her $30.00 a month to rent (her medical coverage would not provide it) and is rechargable, and weighs about 5 lbs.

Good luck,

Posted By: JAM Re: Do we need a suction machine? - 03-16-2008 07:08 PM
Hi, Vickie, If your Dad has decent insurance, get his Doc to prescribe a machine as a life savingmeasure to keep the back of his throat clear. Rent it for a month to see how effective it is, then tell the Ins co. that he will need to be using it from now on. Our INs Co. purchased one for my husband because they did not want to incur long term rental fees. Hope it will help hi, and I think it m;ight be a good solution. Amy
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