Posted By: Lepreckaun Biotene - 01-26-2008 01:36 AM
Biotene burns my mouth. And gives me heartburn but after the burning goes away I feel a bit better in my mouth but the heartburn?? I can't eat rolaids anylonger.Thre pills ( prilosec,etc) don't work the only thing I have found that works is a glass of baking soda and water or malox but that turns my tounge black is there anything else that is over the counter that I can try for dry mouth?
Posted By: EzJim Re: Biotene - 01-26-2008 01:58 AM
Have you tried Mylanta or Zantc. These work v=ery well for me. I would be careful of the baking soda and wtaer tho.Don't swallow any ot the Biotene. Just rinse and gargle for 30 sec and spit it out.
Posted By: William Dozier Re: Biotene - 01-26-2008 03:53 PM
Give the Biotene chewing gum a shot for awake/daytime use. I find it to be near excellent in my case. As with many other things, it may not work for everyone.

Bill D.
Posted By: EzJim Re: Biotene - 01-26-2008 04:41 PM
LOL how much better it would be if we were all made the same way. One cure for all. Ihave no teeth as of the last week so I don't think I better try chewing anything. LOL I have never heard of the gum until now but will try it someday after I get finished treatments and some new teeth. Thanks for the info. Have great day Bill.
Posted By: Steve F. Re: Biotene - 01-27-2008 01:17 AM
I agree--Thank goodness for the Biotene products, especially the gum. I have found it to be a great substitute for my water bottle when I can't carry it with me (Some work situations). It helps moisturize, stimulate saliva production (Probably from the chewing motion, what little I can produce on my own), and helps keep things limber (the trismus ordeal).
As far as the mouthwash, it also burnt me in the beginning but has improved a lot over the past six months. I still get some burn in the back of my throat immediately following usage, but I think it does help me at night while sleeping. I truly believe in their products and use them all! (No, this isn't an advertisement but if you haven't tried them you should)
My pharmicist keeps about a dozen packs of gum in stock for me at all times and I usually have a piece of gum in my mouth during the day!!
Best of luck to those who try it!!
Posted By: Robert_E Re: Biotene - 01-27-2008 01:29 AM
I use the Biotene products as well as the baking soda/salt solutions. Both work for me for different symptoms.

The baking soda is good for getting the mucus out of my mouth. I use the Biotene gel at night to keep my mouth moist while sleeping.

I did find a product by Sensodyne called Oasis. It's a glycerin based spray that works for dry mouth. It's small enough to carry in a pocket.

As to the upset stomach have you tried good old Milk Of Magnesia?
Posted By: Steve F. Re: Biotene - 01-27-2008 01:42 AM
I tried the Oasis Mouthwash and it really burns my mouth bad!! That scared me away from that spray but I may give it a try based on what your saying. I had never heard anyone talk about it either way so I stayed away from it after my experience with the mouthwash! That might be a fill in between pieces of gum.
Posted By: Kevin - Memphis Re: Biotene - 01-30-2008 04:32 PM
It will be nice when Biotene gets their spray out. The stuff they sent me for the trials was great!

Posted By: EzJim Re: Biotene - 01-30-2008 04:37 PM
I buy biotene at WalMart for $5.12 and get them 6 at a time. Works fine for me.
Posted By: Nelie Re: Biotene - 01-30-2008 07:55 PM
I agree the trial spray I got from Biotene was very nice--not irritating at all. And I get the dryest in the top back part of my throat--where you can direct a spray very easily.
Posted By: Lepreckaun Re: Biotene - 01-30-2008 08:43 PM
I would like to get a sample of that how do I get it?
Posted By: Anne-Marie Re: Biotene - 01-31-2008 09:43 AM
Perhaps you could get a sample from your doctor? The Biotene website - -
advertises free samples for health care professionals. Or as Jim mentioned, WalMart has it and I've seen it at Walgreen's, too.
Posted By: EzJim Re: Biotene - 01-31-2008 11:06 AM
I tried the website yesterday and they are out of samples at the present time. Try later .
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