Posted By: tizz Elbows - 06-03-2007 05:33 AM
Hi all,

It's just over 3 years since the end of radio for me, but just lately I have what is I think known as "Golfer's Elbow". I don't play golf wink and workwise there isn't anything repetitive or strenuous to create this problem. Both elbows are sore and I've resorted to wearing a pressure bandage.

Has anyone else had likewise probs, could it be due to radio, or am just getting old? frown (I'm only 50). I'm also experiencing neck and shoulder twinge type thingys from the radical neck dissection, which weren't there before.


Posted By: PeteyB Re: Elbows - 06-03-2007 09:37 AM
Hello Tizz

Congratulations on being cancer free for 3 years. That will brighten up a lot of people
Posted By: PeteyB Re: Elbows - 06-03-2007 10:20 AM
Hey Tizz.

If you have a slight fever, and/or have not been feeling well you may have inflammation of the joints. (RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS)

I suspect this as both elbows are affected and the neck pain.

If you continue to have troubles mention the rheumatoid arthritis to your Dr.

I am reading this information out of a book titled: The American Medical Association / FAMILY MEDICAL GUIDE.

My wife bought this book years ago and it has been invaluable. It gives self-help, and tells you when you "really need to see a physician". Raising three kids and a crazy man like me, it has paid for itself more than ten fold. :rolleyes:

I also sent you a thread on neck massage that Gary Allsebrook posted. It was very informative. ( Thank You Gary & Wife ) Petey
Posted By: 1wife4mothers Re: Elbows - 06-03-2007 05:32 PM
My husband finished his 34 rads 1/5/07 and has had several sore spots crop up. The Dr has told us that it is normal.
He was also very clear that every time a new one came up to ask him about it.
Posted By: mommapez Re: Elbows - 06-03-2007 06:57 PM
Tennis Elbow is a painful inflammation of the tendon at the outer border of the elbow, caused by overuse of the forearm muscles. Treatment is by rest, massage and/or painkiller anti-inflammatorys/local coricosteroid injection. Hope it helps. Carol...
Posted By: mommapez Re: Elbows - 06-03-2007 06:59 PM
Meant to say..corticosteroid ..take care...
Posted By: Joylight Re: Elbows - 06-24-2007 11:22 AM
I had a bad case of tennis elbow a few years PRIOR to receiving rad. I treated it by going to a Reike master and having Reike done on it. The pain I'd experienced every day for 3 months was significantly eased by the time the treatment was done, and was completely gone within a couple of days. It never returned.

During rad I have had Reike done on me about once a week. The more energy my body has to rebuild with, the better off I am.

For those of you unfamiliar with Reike, it is a form of energy treatment. It's not like massage, in that there is no tissue manipulation, but it IS wholly relaxing and, in my experience, effective.
Posted By: tizz Re: Elbows - 07-02-2007 09:17 PM
Hi all,

Ha ha ha Petey wink

My elbows are still sore, the inner parts, ie "Golfer's", and the pressure bandage isn't doing much at all. I'm taking Glucosamine caps for arthritis, and there doesn't seem to be much difference. I am guilty of not visiting the Doc as yet - who wants to, after everything? And I'm meant to visit my dentist regarding my inner cheek ulcer, to have my partial re-adjusted or have a clamp removed!

Sick of visiting health professionals, life goes on I figure... smile

I will visit both pros soon, after some things that have been interrupting me move on (my aunt recently died and now my uncle has NPH - fluid on the brain)


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