Posted By: BobGrey Peg tube removed - 08-25-2005 05:32 PM
Boy oh boy what a week it has been, last week good news on my throat and now the tube has been removed. What a strange feeling that was, they just yanked it out like it was groceries in a grocerie sack.POP....sounded like a champaign bottle being opened. Was also like loosing something too, it saved my life and was there when i needed it and not one bit sorry I had it.weight and eating has been going very good, I am also able to already eat tomato based products which suprises everyone.Now next week i get my final dentures put in then i can try to resume a normal life from there (like it was normal before cancer). I love you all and think about you all the time and have even mentioned this site in a class speach in college.
Posted By: aussieh Re: Peg tube removed - 08-26-2005 12:57 AM
Dear Bob

You have done so well and must congratulate yourself again and again after what you have been through. I love your analogy of the champagne bottle being opened. LOL Good that you can eat tomato-based products - antioxidants are good for us.

As many people here have said, our lives are 'new normal' and thats the way it is. We get on with life and take what we choose from our cancer journey.

I agree about this site. It has been a lifeline for many and the OCF family are strong and supportive.

Congratulations and love from Helen
Posted By: JAM Re: Peg tube removed - 08-26-2005 10:46 PM
Bob, my husband's Peg was yanked the 24th. He pretty much described it the same way[they wouldn't let me stay in the room] but he said it felt like a hard blow to his gut for about 10 seconds. I tdid not hurt anymore after that. I think his biggest relieg is that he can sleep on his stomach again. He hated being on his back. He is also eating tomato based sauces and stews. I am curious about your eing able to get your dentures. How long did you have to wait? The Doc has told John that it will be a year before he can start that procedure. Best luck to you. Amy
Posted By: minniea Re: Peg tube removed - 08-27-2005 12:16 AM
Hi Bob,
The memory of my tube being removed is sooooo clear because I remember how surprised I was with the procedure. They really do just yank it out, no pomp and circumstance, no good bye ceremony!
I'm so happy that you're eating is progressing well, that makes us feel more on track then anything I believe.
Keep on living the good life. It will never be the same but it sure does take on an entire new meaning that we would have missed had our lives taken a different course.
Posted By: didier Re: Peg tube removed - 08-27-2005 11:45 PM
Great news, Bob. Glad to see that things are falling into place for you.
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