Posted By: Kris For women only - 08-04-2004 11:09 AM
Knew there was a post a ways back for the guys but I didn't see the woman's side addressed. One of the side effects of chemo they didn't warn me about was that it pushes you through menopause. All of a sudden it hit me after 4 months of treatment that I hadn't had a period and when I asked my oncologist he was surprised that no one told me I never would have one!

Gee - I guess compared to keeping me alive it didn't seem too important to them back then to even mention it. Hormone replacement is not an option after you have had cancer. or so my doc tells me. question to the women out there is how do you keep the fire alive after menopause??? - Kris
Posted By: Carol in RH Re: For women only - 08-04-2004 11:44 AM
Hi Kris - now that I think of it my sister (she's 48) hasn't had a period since end of May. She is going through radiation, not chemo so I don't think that's the cause. It might be the fact that she has been on dexamethazone, a steroid to reduce the swelling she has had since radiation started.
Posted By: minniea Re: For women only - 08-04-2004 12:12 PM
Hi Kris,
I had radiation only, no chemo. My periods have been ridiculously would think they would have cut me some slack. I started my period the third day after my surgery, talk about adding insult to injury there!
I'm surprised they didn't tell you that fact about menopause, it seems like an important one to forget.
Keep us posted on what you find out.
Posted By: Carol L Re: For women only - 08-04-2004 07:38 PM
Hey Kris, I had radiation only and did not have a period for several months afterwards. My gyn said I was pushed into earlier menopause (I was 45 at the time), possibly due to radiation but she wasn't sure. But currently I am back on a regular schedule again (at 47), go figure. p.s. my gyn prescribed HRT, but I chose not to take it due to my cancer diagnosis. Take Care and God Bless! Carol
Posted By: Leena Re: For women only - 08-04-2004 09:52 PM
Hi, Kris,
I had radiation after surgery, no chemo. I had two periods 2 weeks apart right after surgery, one normal during radiation, but nothing after, which makes it 3 months. Haven't really thought about it, other than thinking it's the stress. On the other hand I just turned 50, so it's getting to be the time anyway. May be the time to look for books on menopause, I understand the Silent Passage is still valid.
I know I don't want to try any kind of hormones, if I can avoid it. Now i am starting to wonder if certain of the miseries I'm blaming on radiation could be menopause instead. Somehow I've been thinking ,well, my mouth is dry, so why not other places, too. I know thrush spread to my vagina when I had it in my mouth, although it did not hurt nearly as much as in the mouth. I know, it has nothing to do with menopause, just babbling.
I am not surprised they did not mention menopause as a side effect to you. So many unpleasant things they "forget" to tell us about, I guess afraid to scare us, but I would rather know ahead of time and not be even more scared when something happens - or doesn't happen, like a period.
Posted By: karenng Re: For women only - 08-04-2004 10:03 PM
Kris, I was told that one side effect of radiation/chemo treatment was early menopause. In my case, my period was regular before and even during treatment but once treatment ended, I didn't have one for several months. My oncologist told me that some women would have it back some time later. I did have it return for two months and after that, bye bye to the troublesome periods. I am not really concerned about that since I am around the age of having menopause and I am glad that I don't have to experience that menstrual pain any longer. If you are much younger, there is still hope that the period will return after even 1 or 2 years. But I don't think the doctor can give you a definite answer.

Posted By: Joanna Re: For women only - 08-05-2004 12:10 AM
Leena, and others, I was told that head and neck rad, with or without chemo, would cause vaginal dryness, and sure enough it did, but I never got a satisfactory explanation of the connection. Did any of you? I do not have dry mouth, having had IMRT. One more strange thing.
Posted By: Cathy G Re: For women only - 08-06-2004 09:19 PM

I had radiation (no chemo) 15 years ago and it had no apparent effect on my periods. Both before and after my cancer treatment, I had some problems that caused my gynecologist to think about the possible need for a hysterectomy, and he finally felt it was necessary 4 years after my cancer treatment. He left my one good ovary in place and I am only now going through menopause (at 54).

Posted By: Leena Re: For women only - 09-28-2004 09:40 PM
update on this: 2 days after my post, I started my period, and have been regular since then every four weeks. The problem is, I get extra unbelievably tired for a week before a period. According to the gynocologist, it could be that I am close to menopause, or it could be from the radiation. Other than those times, my energy has been coming back , not perfect, of course, but I manage eight hour days at work, and even cook a meal after work on occasion - and even taste some of it!!! But for that week or ten days I am back to staying in bed as long as possible, and barely making it through the day at work.
Now I really look forward to menopause.
Posted By: karenng Re: For women only - 09-28-2004 11:33 PM
Leena,I share your feeling of looking forward to menopause. I have suffered from menstrual pain in all my life before cancer. Since the treatment,I just had period twice and no more. I am glad that the menopause steps early since I need not suffer from period pain any longer. What makes me even happier is that I don't go through those menopause symptoms(can last a few years)which my friends complain about. A 'good' side effect of treatment! :p

Posted By: Marica Re: For women only - 09-29-2004 06:25 PM
Well Girls...I am going thru menopause right now and the only good thing I can say about it is ...I can blame it for all the times when I am in a pissy mood! Not that that happens often...Karen just in case you have a translation problem...pissy =

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