Posted By: marliz thyroid gland - 12-06-2003 08:54 PM
Has anyone had thyroid problems post radiation?

I have found that I get more information from
this site then I do from all my DRS. put together

Thank you all
Posted By: Packer 66 Re: thyroid gland - 12-07-2003 08:43 AM
Frank had radation 5 years ago, to the best of my knowledge, no one did any thyroid tests, and call me stupid, to the best of my knowedge hypo thi yroid test he went to Dana was low and he`s on opinion is thyroid tests should always be done after rad........Love, Dee
Posted By: Powerlifter Re: thyroid gland - 12-07-2003 12:03 PM
Hi Marliz, one year after treatment, I was still
tired all the time, so the Doc ordered a thyroid
function test. It came back normal. Now at a
year and a half post treatment, I'm good in the
morning, but by the time I get home from work,
I'm really tired....still residuals from the blasting they gave me. The thyroid function test is a simple blood test...just takes a minute.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: thyroid gland - 12-07-2003 12:11 PM

Can't remember for sure, but I believe that it's about 50%??? of patients that end up with thyroid problems from radiation. I believe there is info on the main site. Please do a search there. The messages board searches are very informative, but also include a lot of opinions, not just facts. And although all of us crae a lot, none of us are doctors.

It's a simple blood test that I passed (?) the first time about 2 months post radiation. I am about 20 months now and flunked the lat test, so I am on mediacation for my thyroid. If in doubt just ask your doctor to run the blood tests.

Take care,
Posted By: Mark Re: thyroid gland - 12-07-2003 05:06 PM
Hi Marliz,

Yes thyroid problems are common post radiation. I developed symptoms about 18 months after treatments. It seems that around 2 years is when thyroid problems will show up. Hypothyroid (low thyroid output) is usually what will happen.

A very easy home test is to take your temperature before getting out of bed in the morning. If you are running lower than average say 96 or 97 deg. that is a good indication that you may have thyroid issues.

I had posted previously (April 9 2003)the following:

Just before my DR' visit I looked up the symptoms of low thyroid output. I had 8 out of 12 symptoms. Long story short, I was right and I am now on SYNTHROID.

I bring this up for several reasons. First I had no idea how many different symptoms hypothyroid can cause. Second, Any folks who are worried about depression may want to get tested as that can be a symptom of a thyroid problem.

Here are some of the many symptoms:

Rapid and inappropriate weight gain or loss, despite diet/exercise
Constipation or diarrhea
Feeling extremely cold or hot
Cold hands and feet
Particularly high or low pulse rate
High or very low cholesterol levels
High or low blood pressure
Fatigue, exhaustion
Hair, skin and nail problems, hair loss
Puffiness, swelling in eyes, face, hands, feet
Pains, aches in joints, hands and feet Carpal-tunnel syndrome, tendonitis
Irregular menstrual cycles
Infertility, miscarriage
Depression, mood swings
Anxiety, panic attacks
Low sex drive
Sensitive eyes
Heart palpitations
Hand tremors
Hoarse or gravely voice
Neck, throat discomfort, pain, choking feeling

If you have had head and neck radiation, Thyroid output problems are a possible and fairly common side effect. It is also fairly easy to take care of and the test is simple (blood). As I have learned the symptoms can sneak up on you so study up on the symptoms and keep a watch for them.

Generally Hypothyroid results in slower metabolism and can also cause shortness of breath and slow thinking (names are hard to recall) and a general dullness in thought processes.

It is a simple blood test so ask your Dr. if you have any reason. It takes many weeks and even months to adjust the dosage of thyroid replacement hormones so don't wait.
Posted By: JetAgeHobo Re: thyroid gland - 12-08-2003 01:24 AM
Anybody have any idea what set of numbers to look at?

Last scan they were supposed to do Thyroid check, did CBC/Chem 9..

Low red count, low white count, a couple of other things that were slightly wonky.

What am I looking for in the numbers?
Posted By: Anonymous Re: thyroid gland - 12-08-2003 07:53 AM

IF I remember right; this does not show on a regular CBC and chem 9. My doctor had to request a special reading just for thyroid.

I did a serach online to see whatthe three readings meant (T3 and such)

Hope this helps?
Posted By: Mark Re: thyroid gland - 12-08-2003 01:50 PM
HI Bob,

There are many sites on the web with good information about thyroid related issues. This one has good info about the various hormone levels etc.

The blood test is looking for the level of TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone). An elevated TSH indicates Hypothyroid (under producing). I have been told by my Dr. that a number between .3 and 5 is "normal". My number when we figured out the problem was 18 and I felt like S#%t.

I am not sure if this test is included as part of a normal blood series. I asked my ENT to order the test because I had so many symptoms. He did and I was right.

As I mentioned before, your body temprature before getting out of bed is a cheap and easy way to check for yourself. (I would still get the blood test regularly since you had radiation)
Posted By: Eileen Re: thyroid gland - 12-08-2003 07:17 PM
My radiologist made certain I had a full tyhroid test before I had radiation so we had a base line before we started. She also had me tested every two months after radiation to make certain no problems developed. She said they usually show up around 4 years later.

I had no problem until I had the laryngectomy 4 years later when they also removed my left thyroid and parathyroid glands. My TSH tanked out at 32 a month later when I went for test. I had no symptoms other than I was eating everything in site. Now on SYNTHROID 88.

While we are on the subject, every since I started this medicine two years ago, I have had both intestinal and stomach gas. I'm also on ZANTAC 150 twice a day, and take Fenegreek. I've had endoscopies and colonoscopies and all is fine. I've tried Levoxyl and still same problem. Not related to any particular food and I eat fairly well. No reflux either. Just curious if anyone else has had this problem and has found a solution. Thyroid now at 2.9 which is what it was before rad.

Posted By: karenng Re: thyroid gland - 12-08-2003 08:57 PM
When I signed the consent form on receiving treatment, one of the side effects listed was thyroid problem as a possible chronic effect.There was blood test after I finished radiation when I complained about not being able to sleep even when I took the sleeping pills. The result showed that the thyroid glands were normal. When more symptoms like what Mark has listed appeared including losing appitite,getting thinner, feeling tired early in the morning, feeling cold all day long, unable to sleep for more than 3 hours despite taking 2 sleeping pills, etc., the doctor became more concerned to find out the correlation between these symptoms and the thyroid. The result again did not show anything abnormal. In fact it was the depression I was experiencing. Two years post treatment now, I am still on regular test on thyroid even though my depression has gradually left me behind. If there is problem with the thyroid, I know it can be dealt with by taking medicine.

Karen stage 4 tonsil cancer diagnosed in 9/01.
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