Posted By: Daniel Bogan Pain in Chest - 12-02-2003 11:12 AM
Hello All,

I am almost four weeks post radiation and starting to eat solids again. On Monday I got a pain in the right side of my chest when I try and take a deep breath. I took a hydrocone and laid down yesterday afternoon but it didn't go away. I woke up this morning and it's still there. Whenever I try a take a deep breath the pain is real sharp.

I called my primary care physican and will see him at 3:15 today.
Could this be pain from the right side pech flap or something more sinister? Anyone else experience this in the past? Thanks Dan.
Posted By: Packer 66 Re: Pain in Chest - 12-02-2003 01:00 PM
Dan, it might be as simple as a pulled muscle....I actually pulled a muscle coughing and couldn`t take a breath without hurting, so, see the doc and don`t think the worst yet....Yeh, I know, coming from someone who always thinks the worst.....update us when you get a chance......Hugs and Prayers, Packer and Dee
Posted By: minniea Re: Pain in Chest - 12-02-2003 04:14 PM
I had troubles with a pain in my chest and in the middle of my back. Thought sure I had lung cancer at that point. Then I started thinking about it, and figured out that I had spent a LOT more time on the computer that day, with my right hand on the mouse. That kept my right shoulder slightly elevated. I gave it a few days to see if my theory was correct, and it was. I'm like you though, I worry over every little pain. Brian's advice has helped me start looking at logical explanations first instead of thinking cancer right off the bat. Hope it is nothing. Minnie
Posted By: Mark Re: Pain in Chest - 12-02-2003 05:58 PM
Don't forget those gas bubble pains that could be because of the change in eating?

Hope everything is OK!
Posted By: Daniel Bogan Re: Pain in Chest - 12-02-2003 10:49 PM
Thanks for the input,
I saw my gp today and he suggested something muscler. Heart sounded good, Lungs sounded good. Had me tak an EKG and two Chest X-Rays. Will mail the results if normal or call if something to be concerned about. Hope I get the Mailed version!!

Danny Boy
Posted By: Packer 66 Re: Pain in Chest - 12-03-2003 09:20 AM
Hey, Dan, hope I was right and it is muscular, I love being right anyway !!!! So glad you updated us, you were on my mind all day.......Love, Dee
Posted By: JetAgeHobo Re: Pain in Chest - 12-03-2003 11:00 PM
Dan, keeping fingers crossed here that it's muscular also. You didn't try lifing anything even slightly heavy in the last couple of days did you? Dummy me about a month out of surgery lifted a 5 gal water jug onto the water cooler, and pulled a back muscle. Did't feel it at the time, but next day, reached down to tie my shoe and felt SPROING!!. Hurt like heck for weeks.

Also finally tied pains in my neck that scared the heck out of me to carrying a computer backpack on one shoulder.

Sometimes the things I do to myself that wind up scareing me are amazing.
Posted By: joansieny Re: Pain in Chest - 12-04-2003 03:09 AM
My husband finished treatments in July. He does not seem to be gaining any weight back, how long does it usually take?
Posted By: Brian Hill Re: Pain in Chest - 12-04-2003 11:16 PM
joansieny ...first a little word to the wise, when you add a different idea to the end of someone else's topic thread that is not related to what you want to ask, nobody will find it and answer, so always hit the new topic button if you are going to change topics. That way your question gets moved to the top of the pile on a brand new thread. But to answer your question, there is no fixed amount of time. It is strictly a function of caloric intake at 6 months out. So you have to be sure that he is getting at least 2000 calories a day for him to begin to put weight back on. Prior to the six month line, 2000 calories doesn't show much results in the form of weight, because the body is still using the caloric intake and nutrients to rebuild the damage that has been done by the radiation treatments.
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