Posted By: lola7172 Post Mandibulectomy- does it get better? - 12-01-2016 06:36 PM
Hi all.
i hit my 1 year anniversary of my last surgery which included a mandibulectomy. They took about half of my lower jaw. The cancer was in my jaw (about 1.6 cm of tumor per the pathology report).

I think my dry mouth got worse after surgery...which I was not expecting. Nerve damage and pain is there but managed. I am sure the root cause was from the radiation received 10 years ago. Anytime you mess with my mouth, the radiation contributes. I had a fistula and still have an infection in my gum or tooth. It is so small that that they are having a hard time confirming what and where. It's not getting worse but it did leave damage on my outside of my skin.

I don't have most of my lower teeth yet. the dental posts are there but teeth will happen around early spring (fingers crossed). I have a bit of PTSD when i go into hospitals or think of my jaw surgery.

I don't look like my former self....which is very hard- I don't have lower front teeth. People stare....although it is more kids than adults now so that must mean it's not so obvious. I am very active and have an elementary age kid so i can't hide out...nor do i want to.

crazy, from the neck down i'm fine but my mouth is yucky. How do you all deal? and does it get better if you've had the jaw surgery? when? it's crazy, because i can believe it was my life. I'm grateful to be above ground but it doesn't end there. you have to live and co-exist with the the cancer damage and post treatment. Some days are better than others and i hope once i have teeth i will feel better about myself.

I have found that the xylitol tabs work at night so they do provide some relief. I was given cymbalta to help with nerve pain. too early to tell if that will help because it bugs my stomach and i have to ease into still.

how do past survivors deal with the above?
Posted By: PaulB Re: Post Mandibulectomy- does it get better? - 12-06-2016 12:39 PM
Lola, Congratulations on one year, but sorry for some continued problems.

As far as the infection, Is it osteomyelitis? That's what I had with the ORN. Has anyone suggested HBOT for healing? Culture to see the type of infection, what antibiotics are best if bacterial?

I had PTSD after my release from my 6 month hospital/Nursing Home stay. I didn't want to go into any hospital for a while, and didn't, for 18 months! I had formed a local team of private doctors.

Maybe you can speak with someone about your feelings in regards to your appearance if its effecting you, and sometimes we are our own worst critics. I know there are meetings or classes at CCC about feeling, and looking good also. Get out more often, and involved with activities, which sounds like you do. Post here for people who understand.

I cope by thinking the heck with anyone that doesn't help or understand! I never really had a problem though.

I hope this helps.
Posted By: ChristineB Re: Post Mandibulectomy- does it get better? - 12-07-2016 12:39 AM
Oh Lola!!! How I understand every word you wrote. In fact, I could have written most of your post back when I hit my one year post mandibulectomy.

First, the pain needs to get under control. Being in pain does nothing productive at all for any patient. I think it actually makes everything seem so much worse when you hurt. Ask to try prescription liquid gabapentin AKA neurontin instead of the cymbalta. Neurontin doesnt need to build up in your system to work, you will know with the first dose if you feel relief. You may even benefit from being on the fentanyl patch for a while. I would guess 50mcg should help you to feel better. Just be sure to follow the directions to the "T" (meaning no long hot baths or showers, never cut bend, fold, rip, tear or in any way damage the patch and replace it every 72 hours in a new location. The fentanyl patch will provide a nice steady dose of constant pain control where you may only need the other neurontin once or twice a day or if you are lucky maybe only a few times a week. But its there if you need it. I was still hurting pretty bad when I hit my first post mandibulectomy anniversary. Until the infection was fixed I felt lousy for that first year.

The infection needs to be fixed!!! When I went thru it I had an infection in the wound that was like a tunnel about 6" long from the front of my face to behind my left ear. I needed IV antibiotics 3 times a day for 8 months and HBO as the final push to kick the infection. If you havent made significant progress you may need to see wound care specialists. They really did a great job with me and healed what I had considered impossible to fix.

One positive thing about hitting the one year post surgery date is you are now eligible for reconstruction surgery. If you think your doc can do some minor changes to make you look better then ask them about it. But remember, we are always our own worst critics. Im sure you dont look as different or bad as you think. Kids notice things quickly and will stare at anything that is even a little different.

Im 7+ years post my mandibulectomy and am not a candidate for further reconstructive surgeries. Ive adjusted to people staring at me, after all Im missing half my lower jaw so it is very noticeable. While I was in the hospital for the mandibulectomy, I didnt even recognize myself when I first looked in the mirror so I was quite shocked. What helped me adjust to my new face was something I repeated to myself over and over.... "In time, looks fade and even the most attractive people will not always look so nice as they age. I may not look the best anymore but Im still the same person inside and nobody can take that away from me." I still walk around going about my business just like I always have but I do tend to stay home much more than I did before I got sick in 2007. But thats partly due to living on less than half of my former income. It was a huge adjustment going from a very good job to not being able to concentrate long enough to remember all the details of my job. I blame my memory issues on being kept in a medically induced coma for 3 weeks. I still dislike going to the hospital and probably always will after the 2009 surgery that changed my life. Even my son who came to visit me daily still has issues when he goes to the hospital.

Someone just recently posted about a new product line from Oral Seven that helps them tremendously with their dry mouth. They said free samples are available. Per Uptown if you want to try it.... "Anyone needing a sample can email, [email protected] (be sure to include full name, address and phone number) or make a request by phone, 908-420-6974" It sure cant hurt to give it a try. I hope it helps you.

Best wishes with your continued recovery!
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