Posted By: marianne bartkowski too much saliva - 03-30-2011 11:23 PM
I always thought that I would have a problem with a dry mouth but just the opposite is happening. Completed chemo and radiation one yr to date and just recently I have started getting too much saliva to the point that I am constantly spitting and putting kleenex in my mouth. It is affecting my speech as well and of course my lips are so sore from all the wiping. Has anyone experienced this and is there any advice for me! thank you so much!!
Posted By: Michelle Ann Re: too much saliva - 03-30-2011 11:34 PM
I have that problem now but I am only one week out of treatment. I hope others can help. It must be awful. I know I am struggling with tons of mucus right now and it is horrible. I feel for you. -Michelle
Posted By: Pandora99 Re: too much saliva - 03-31-2011 02:40 AM
Water Pik. That is my lifeline in dealing with excess mucous. It works fabulously and you can use it as much as you like. Just fill with water, aim it into your mouth, bend over the sink and close your eyes (re grossness). The water does the work and cleans out your mouth. It last for a good length of time.

I also put Biotene mouthwash in the water in the Water Pik at time. Lovely fresh mouth!

I did write Water Pik and tell them that they should sponsor OCF because of the number of times I have done this post but it truly is a Godsend for getting rid of that mucous.

Posted By: airkitty Re: too much saliva - 03-31-2011 02:30 PM
I carry a cup and spit. Similar to a tobacco chewer here in the south. I sleep on towels draped over my pillow. It is a nasty pain, for sure.
Posted By: DonB Re: too much saliva - 03-31-2011 04:02 PM
I also use a Water-Pik.

Although I am well beyond any mucous problems, I think it has really kept my gum-line healthy,plaque free and helps the fluoride trays to be effective.

I put about an eighth of a teaspoon of salt/baking-soda mix in the water.

Early on I couldn't turn up the pressure very high, but it was still great for cleaning out my mouth.
Posted By: davidcpa Re: too much saliva - 03-31-2011 10:07 PM
I carried a small styofoam cup that I would hide in my pants pocket. GROSS GROSS and MORE GROSS.
Posted By: David2 Re: too much saliva - 04-01-2011 11:57 PM
I just rarely left the house. I'm only partially kidding...

The Water Pic idea sounds like a good one, marianne. Wish I'd thought of it!

Posted By: rossnz Re: too much saliva - 04-03-2011 12:51 AM
i've had hypersalivation from before surgery , if i go out now i have 2 or 3 plastic pottles (urine sample ones are good size) , i covered the sides in black tape so you cant see whats in it. found its easier to reasonably quietly be able to spit into those screw the lid back on and in your pocket before you know it, rather than heading off to the toilets / washroom every 5 minutes.
Posted By: Jenslp Re: too much saliva - 04-03-2011 03:48 AM
A very common side effect of the medication scopolamine - a trans dermal patch-is dry mouth. It is often used to decrease hypersalivation.

Ask your MD - might be worth a try!
Posted By: rossnz Re: too much saliva - 04-03-2011 10:40 AM
just looked it up on google and pretty sure they tried those on me while i was in ward , not a huge effect overall and very expensive here.
Posted By: marianne bartkowski Re: too much saliva - 04-23-2011 12:59 AM
thank you everyone for your info on saliva. It seems like I am not the only one with too much of it. I did go ahead and buy a water pik and it is great for cleansing but it has done nothing for my saliva. Still have too much of it and like everyone else I'm going through boxes of kleenex and my mouth is so sore from wiping it. It really has affected my ability to talk too! Oh well!!!!!!! It's nothing compared to surgery or being in the hospital!
Posted By: marianne bartkowski Re: too much saliva - 04-23-2011 01:01 AM
Boy! don't you know it! Such a pain with this saliva but I guess it's better than not enough!Just wish that I could control it a little bit especially when trying to talk longer than a second!!!!
Posted By: marianne bartkowski Re: too much saliva - 04-23-2011 01:02 AM
Scopolamine!!!!! Will definitely ask my doctor about it! Thank you!
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