Posted By: Cookey Robins Mum - 01-22-2009 05:26 PM

I know a lot of you will remember that Robins Mum was taken in to care three weeks before he died with early onset alzheimers.This morning i received a call to say she had passed away .Its so sad this women never knew her youngest son had died and her eldest son has been missing for the last 7 months.As for Robs sister i don't know how she will cope with this latest blow which sees the last of her family gone from her life,for i too feel that this is too much for one family too bear.
Posted By: Good1 Re: Robins Mum - 01-22-2009 07:15 PM
Very sad Cookey. Hopefully his sister has a good support system to help her through this.

Posted By: darkeyedlady0 Re: Robins Mum - 01-22-2009 07:19 PM
Liz ..First of all my condolences. Secondly I would like to express how thankful that you have been here and direction I gained from reading so many of your posts. You are so kind, caring and wise. It is not going to be easy for sure but with a little help we all can overcome. When the family pools together they can accomplish amazing things and you are proof of that. Alzheimers is horrible and as most are aware and it is sad to watch a loved one go through. It must have been a bit of a comfort though having someone physically around. Take care Liz and just being there for each other will help bear the blow....

just want to send you hugs accross the distance ((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))))))
Posted By: ChristineB Re: Robins Mum - 01-22-2009 08:14 PM


Im very sorry for the loss of your mother in law. May she rest in peace. Your family has been thru so much. Try to keep in mind the good times, hope your sister in law can do the same.
Posted By: Steve J. Re: Robins Mum - 01-22-2009 09:54 PM
Very sorry to hear of your loss. Thoughts and prayers go out to your family.
Posted By: davidcpa Re: Robins Mum - 01-22-2009 10:00 PM

I guess I forgot until you just mentioned it, but you haven't heard anything from or about Robin's brother yet? That's unbelievable.

Sorry about Robin's Mum. How young was she?
Posted By: Malka Re: Robins Mum - 01-22-2009 10:04 PM
Please send condolences to your sister-in-law.
Posted By: Pandora99 Re: Robins Mum - 01-22-2009 11:17 PM
I am so very sorry for your family's loss. I know you will be a fabulous support to your sister in law, and somehow you will all get through this. You are all in my prayers.

Posted By: azcallin Re: Robins Mum - 01-23-2009 12:41 AM
sorry for your loss. i am glad you SIL has you, for you are the only sense of family she now has I would imagine... ((HUGS))
Posted By: LarrysDaughter Re: Robins Mum - 01-23-2009 01:42 AM
Oh Liz.... I am terribly sorry to hear this news. I hope that Robin's sister will be able to be strong during this time and try to bare this grief. I hope that you too, are doing okay. You are, as always, in my thoughts and prayers.


Posted By: little sister Re: Robins Mum - 01-23-2009 04:14 AM
Liz, My prayers are with your family. It is so sad but I believe that your sister in law was left with one fantastic person...YOU! I know you will comfort her and I send positive thoughts to comfort you.

Take care friend,
Posted By: suemarie Re: Robins Mum - 01-23-2009 04:30 AM
Liz- I'm so sorry for your family's loss.
Posted By: Cookey Re: Robins Mum - 01-23-2009 11:26 AM
Hi David
no there is no word of paul despite nationwide appeals in the press and media at christmas,he has now been missing for six months.
Robins Mum was first diagnosed with alzheimers when she was 68 in 2001.She was taken into care three weeks before robin died and despite paul telling her on many occasions that rob was sick ,she remained unaware as far as we know.
So six months ago we have the scenario that both her sons have dissappeared from her life,and as Paul was her main carer she is more likely to have registered his abscence i guess.God knows how or if this affected her.Pauline lives in Portugal and at the moment she is on the edge of emotional melt down as she tries to compute the loss of her whole immediate family in a time period of 18 months.

dToday i contacted the press and the television and asked them to renew the appeal for paul as at the moment i believe that as her twin brother he is the only one who can help Pauline through this.

As for me i sit and watch god irradicate every last link i had with robin as i digest this news and also still try to understand the loss of two of his closest friends at New Year.Robs grave will be reopened to bury his mother with his father and that in itself is freaking me out,as i am sure we will have the hellish scenario again,of covert police surveillance,as we did on robs anniversary.

Hasn't any one heard of rest in peace????

Thanks to everyone for their messages.I appreciate them so very much

love liz
Posted By: Pete D Re: Robins Mum - 01-23-2009 08:06 PM
I watched my former mother-in-law go through eight years of Alzheimer's Disease and I'm glad I have OC instead -- OC all seems to be uncertain, but it follows rigid scheduling compared to AD and at least one knows what is happening!
Posted By: Bob Whyte Re: Robins Mum - 01-23-2009 09:13 PM
Liz, Please pass on my condolences to your sister-inlaw. Best wishes!!! Semper-Fi Bob
Posted By: Eileen Re: Robins Mum - 01-23-2009 10:24 PM
Liz, I am so sorry you and your family has to go through this again. Please accept my deepest sympathies.

Take care,
Posted By: PharmGirl Re: Robins Mum - 01-23-2009 10:55 PM
So sorry Liz. Your family has been through so much these past two years. I hope Paul will surface so that he can say his final goodbye to his mother and put the rest of the family at ease.

Sending lots of hugs your way.

Posted By: Donnarose Re: Robins Mum - 01-31-2009 06:21 PM
I'm sorry to hear of yet another passing. You are all in my prayers.
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