Posted By: azcallin just blabbering - cuz i wonder ... - 11-21-2008 11:32 PM
i know one always wants to know the whys and what fors when something goes wrong, esp with our health

but i am curious ....

not thinking anyone will have the answer but if you have thoughts opinions insight or whathaveya post away smile

my cancer tumor was found in the sinuses. i read this is rare.

then i was watching a show that links fungus to cancers ... and they spoke of the fungus spores in our environments...

in our house we had our water heater leak and it damaged a wall which grew some mold on it a couple years back. i had it checked by an inspector and he said it was not a harmful type of mold and it would not get worse than it was, it was just from drywall getting wet.... to wash it with bleach and not worry ...

because it was in a nonobvious location (dont see it unless you look for it - it is in the closet with the hot water heater and just a small area of the one wall) we left it and have never replaced the drywall there ....

now i am wondering if the spores from this being breathed in for a couple of years caused this problem ...

just in case, i am asking hubby to replace the drywall there this weekend because IF it could be what caused my problems then it could be affecting the rest of my family silently too and i am not taking that chance.

as i said, i have no clue if this could even remotely be related to my health issues but not taking a chance with anyone elses health now that i have heard it could do it...
Posted By: EzJim Re: just blabbering - cuz i wonder ... - 11-21-2008 11:57 PM
Wash it down with clorox until he gets to fixing it.
Posted By: August Re: just blabbering - cuz i wonder ... - 11-22-2008 02:11 AM
I have a friend here who had a VERY serious and traumatic experience with a fulminating fungus in her sinuses, which threatened her eye. She said it was like (sorry to be graphic) peanut butter.....they removed all they came back....she went, I think, to Philadelphia, and had radical surgery, going through her nasal passages. The bridge of her nose was eroded by this "non-malignant fungus" (nothing benign about it!!) It was a terrifying experience, since, while it wasn't a metastatic sort of growth, it was one that spread in situ quite quickly, threatening her eyesight. She did lose sight at one point, right before or after the surgery, and they gave her massive steroids and the problem resolved.....'s a definite issue, but whether or not our household molds can cause such a thing...I doubt it. It's two different things, I would think. I don't know what the household molds do, ...breathing problems, asthma exacerbation...dunno what else...certainly not a healthy environment, but I don't believe that they are considered to be carcinogenic.....Somebody correct me if I am speaking too broadly here.
Posted By: davidcpa Re: just blabbering - cuz i wonder ... - 11-22-2008 11:36 AM
Take a spray bottle and put 2 ozs of bleach in it and fill it with water. LABEL IT AS TOXIC. Shake it and spray it on the molded areas as needed.
Posted By: Ray1971 Re: just blabbering - cuz i wonder ... - 11-22-2008 06:02 PM
spray it with bleach and keep that area moisture free....i saw a show where this guy became severely ill from some rare bread mold...the poor guy lost most of his face...his eyes and nose were gone...i felt so bad for was terrible. i don't think mold would fall into the carcinogen category...mold can cause a lot of issues but i highly doubt that it can cause cancer.
Posted By: EzJim Re: just blabbering - cuz i wonder ... - 11-22-2008 08:11 PM
My house has a woods behind it and A stream running thru it too. Most homes here get the fungus on the roofing and on the siding. Our bricks never have fungus' I just buy the ready mixed bleach , spry, wait a few minutes then hose it off. It comes spotless everytime. Now eberyone in the area washed theirs this way to . It seems it takes we older ones that like to solve problems and do it the easy way always come up with an answer.
Posted By: azcallin Re: just blabbering - cuz i wonder ... - 11-23-2008 04:56 PM
he replaced the sheetrock yesterday, smile Yahoo smile Didn't bother me before, but once I heard it could possibly cause a health issue I just wanted it gone. Seems it had penetrated the sheetrock along the floorline where the cement meets the sheetrock ... so now it is all gone.. no more worries wink

Posted By: Pete D Re: just blabbering - cuz i wonder ... - 11-23-2008 06:59 PM
Good sheetrock hanging practice is to not allow the sheetrock touch the floor for exactly the problem you had.
Posted By: EzJim Re: just blabbering - cuz i wonder ... - 11-23-2008 07:16 PM
Yep, cover the space with wood trim.
Posted By: azcallin Re: just blabbering - cuz i wonder ... - 11-24-2008 05:32 AM
yep that is what he is doing do we don't have a repeat problem ... this is in the family room area which seems like it is an addition to the original house, so most likely whomever did it was not well versed in sheetrocking...
Posted By: Pete D Re: just blabbering - cuz i wonder ... - 11-24-2008 06:47 PM
If he hasn't already put on the wood trim, it occurred to me that if he stuffs something in that gap that won't wick water, like some closed-cell foam, the gap won't function so well as a Roach Runway <g>.
Posted By: azcallin Re: just blabbering - cuz i wonder ... - 11-24-2008 11:10 PM
do we have roaches in WA? hehe have never seen one in my life, except when visiting in CA. I will tell him this - thanks smile
Posted By: Pete D Re: just blabbering - cuz i wonder ... - 11-25-2008 12:30 AM
I'd be surprised if we didn't!

The ones in Florida are really something! About 2 1/2 inches long and they fly a lot -- AKA The Palmetto Bug.
Posted By: Gabe Re: just blabbering - cuz i wonder ... - 11-25-2008 12:47 AM
We mostly have the German variety here in Oz.
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