Posted By: wilckdds Friday was a good day !!!! - 06-09-2008 11:32 PM
As part of my new patient examinations, I always discuss smoke cessation with anyone that says they are a smoker.

You never know who you have touched, but on Friday 2 patients announced that they have quit the evil habit. One had told me he wasn't ready to stop, when I first met him. I still had my usual discussion with him as he wasn't defensive (as some patients are). He listened and while in the office on Friday, he told to one of my partners that he was on the patch and he should let me know.

Almost at the same moment, a patient who had come in for the first time on the previous Tuesday, was in my chair and said I was just going to tell you that I haven't had a cigarette since I left your office. Wow, I was blown away.

I felt wonderful all day (and still do)and had to share this with my OCF family.


Posted By: PharmGirl Re: Friday was a good day !!!! - 06-10-2008 01:19 AM

You make such a difference in the lives that you touch. I would say that the world needs more caring healthcare professionals such as yourself, but I think it's better stated as the world needs more caring people such as yourself in it.

Here's hoping that your patients stay smoke free!

Posted By: Brian Hill Re: Friday was a good day !!!! - 06-10-2008 02:23 AM
The man that wishes to move a mountain starts with a handful of pebbles. He finds others who believe in him, and in the end many people join him to move more stones. We only change the world one person at a time. When viewed from afar, the ripples of that new person touch can be seen touching others near them, and the circles continue to grow and grow. Those willing to extend themselves and reach out to touch the first person, will change the world. I am less impressed by people who are convinced that they will change the world by some grandiose idea, than I am by the person who is willing to change just one other life....
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