Posted By: Snoopy Pain in right arm... - 10-31-2004 02:02 PM
Hi all,

My brother in law had surgery last week to remove the tumor from his tongue and also all his lymphnodes. They used skin from his arm to graph the tongue. The arm was pinned behind his back during surgery, and a nerve was damaged somehow. I heard this is common?? Anyway, he's in a lot of pain and I was wondering how many of you have experienced this pain in your arm after surgery. Also, if you know what he can do to help the pain.
Thank You!!
Posted By: helen.c Re: Pain in right arm... - 10-31-2004 03:01 PM
Hi Neil
I had similar surgery 10 weeks ago, but the team used a nerve block to the graft arm, which lasted about 4 days, and after that the morphine took care of the pain. I think he needs to urgently contact his medical team, no way should he be in pain at this stage of his treatment. Tell him not to worry about complaining about pain, if he doesn't tell them they can't help..
Sunshine... love and hugs
Posted By: JetAgeHobo Re: Pain in right arm... - 10-31-2004 10:40 PM
Hi Niel,

One of the not fun side effects of the surgery. I had pain in shoulders both sides. For some reason, the right shoulder that didn't have as radical a surgery and didn't get into the tapezious muscle hurt worse than the left shoulder.

Both felt pretty much ok after about 3 months. However I do have a big problem with joint damage now on the left shoulder, however it could be unrelated to the surgery.

Tell him to let the doctor's know about the pain. Usually something like a non-steroid anti-inflamitory will do the trick.

Hope he gets to feeling better.
Posted By: Marica Re: Pain in right arm... - 11-01-2004 01:34 PM
My husband has been suffering from a "Frozen shoulder" and just this week was put under anesthesia so it could be manipulated. He is presently undergoing PT.He never had surgery.
The only explanation they could give him was , he maybe favoured the shoulder as that was the side of the port placement. He also drives a lot in his job so maybe that was another cause.

Neil best wishes to your brother.

Posted By: KirkGeorgia Re: Pain in right arm... - 11-02-2004 06:29 PM
Neil, I had a radical neck dissection of the right side and ever since have had a stiff and painful right shoulder. I was told it was due to my muscles atrophying due to lack of use, but I think something was done to the nerves somehow. I didn't have restricted use of my right shoulder long enough for the muscles to atrophy in my opinion. Of course, I'm not a doctor, but it was only a few weeks while the surgery healed. I can't believe a few weeks would make that big a difference.

To avoid the pain I was on oxycotin, morphine, and other pain meds. After a while, I stopped the drugs and went to physical therapy until my insurance coverage ran out. Now I just take Tylenol when it gets real bad. Hope your brother-in-law recovers.
Posted By: JetAgeHobo Re: Pain in right arm... - 11-02-2004 09:20 PM

When I had my last PET/CT the only thing that "glowed" was the area between the ball and socket on my shoulder. On top of that, apparently there was a pinched nerve, and pulled rotator cuff tendons. if I moved the wrong direction, WOW!!! And this didn't show up until over a year and a half after surgery.

Pinched nerve and tendonds have quieted down, but still not much range of motion out from the side. Im not keen on doing what your husband did, though sounds like that could hurt a LOT!!.

May see what local chinese medicine has to offer, will keep you posted on that one.

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