Posted By: brenfran25 So...I've done it! - 10-30-2007 06:43 PM
After a few months of debate, have booked flights for us to go to CA on November 18th! Via Chicago.
Haven't told my daughter, am hoping to surprise and please her--she has so much going on in her life life that's bad right now, at least I can just give her a cuddle and she can see me whilst I still 'look' okay and can function.
Been doing some more research on lung primary and my jaw tumour and although I'm relatively symptom-free lung-wise, and the Zometa should, apparently keep my jaw-bone well under control, total prognosis is still really lousy--months--so if I don't go see Sue now, may never happen again.
what's the weather like in Costa Mesa in NOvember????? Do I need sheepskin coat or should I pack a pair of shorts?????
Posted By: JAM Re: So...I've done it! - 10-30-2007 08:06 PM
Bren, I am soooo glad and proud to hear you are doing this trip for you and your daughter! And we all know it was a scary decision for you. When are you going to tell her you are coming? Don't know about Cal. weather, but you can find average temps. for all months there on the net. Good for you laugh Amy in the Ozarks
Posted By: Donnarose Re: So...I've done it! - 10-30-2007 08:38 PM
Good for you!!
Go to type in her zip code and you can see what the temps are like.
you could also go to
Posted By: emmylou1951 Re: So...I've done it! - 10-30-2007 08:43 PM
Good for you, Brenda! We look forward to welcoming you to the U.S.....Bring your shorts, just in case you want to take a dip in the Pacific while you're here!
Posted By: Leslie B Re: So...I've done it! - 10-30-2007 09:11 PM
Brenda --

If you want to make a short side trip, Costa Mesa is only about 5 miles from Newport Beach, home of OCF. (And there is great shopping at South Coast Plaza in Costa Mesa -- check out the stores here .)

Posted By: sharlee Re: So...I've done it! - 10-30-2007 09:12 PM
Yea Brenda !!

I don't know about CA as I am in NY ..If you were coming here I would be telling you HATS COATS AND GLOVES !!! But how nice that you can get over here to SURPRISE HeR !!

Posted By: Mel_in_CA Re: So...I've done it! - 10-30-2007 09:27 PM
That's great that you are going to go see her. The southern CA weather is pretty mild, even when it's "cold" you can get by with a sweatshirt!
Posted By: debandbill Re: So...I've done it! - 10-30-2007 10:24 PM
Yea Bren!

Seize the day, I are doing that well! We will all say a little prayer that your health holds and you can really enjoy your visit.

Posted By: brenfran25 Re: So...I've done it! - 10-31-2007 04:50 PM
It will only be a short visit--8 days--only time Ray can get off work and I already know Sue has used up all her vacation time. But we'll be able to see each other every evening and she has the Saturday and Sunday off.
I'll be staying in a motel where I've been before, but a friend has already said she'll give us a ride from the airport.
She is my 'go-between' and will 'prime' Sue without actually telling her it's me that's coming--probably just tell her it's one of their mutual friends and to 'clear her diary'.

I am so excited, but at the same time so frightened!
I've got insurance--will be recompensed for loss of baggage, money, am covered for developing food poisoning, breaking my leg,--just about anything really, as long as it's not cancer! So that's another hurdle over, thank goodness.
I so wish I could take time out and come and see you all whilst I'm there :p Aw well.
May just get the 43, then 55 bus down the road to Newport Beach to look up the OCF---anyone know the address?? Can't find it on the site map!

And finally--a little gallows humour--my local paper had an article in today about health costs in other countries--it's only
Posted By: AdeleE Re: So...I've done it! - 10-31-2007 05:07 PM
Oh, Brenda you put a big smile on my face, you are a funny girl and a brave one too!! I hope you have a wonderful time in California. Sounds like you are going to have one very surprised daughter!! I also have a son in California but he is in the Bay area. I miss him and don't see him nearly enough.
Also, regarding the shipment of bodies, I think you can get insurance for that also.
Posted By: helen.c Re: So...I've done it! - 10-31-2007 05:09 PM
Have a super time.. and hugs
Posted By: Cookey Re: So...I've done it! - 10-31-2007 05:48 PM
Dont be such a cheap skate ,just pay the business class fare like every one else. ;)any way you cant come back in a box i am coming to see you before i go to Abu dhabi!!!!
Posted By: Donnarose Re: So...I've done it! - 10-31-2007 10:16 PM
Your daughter is going to be so happy to see you. I'm so proud of you. Still, wish you could have come to Philadelphia-that's just the selfish side of me speaking. Bring your camera and have fun!
Love you lots,
Posted By: billy.calcutt Re: So...I've done it! - 10-31-2007 10:19 PM
I am so proud of you Brenda. I would like to see the look on your daughters face when she sees you.
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