Posted By: EzJim Tee Shirts - 10-08-2011 11:29 AM
My tee shirt came yesterday and all I can say is WOW. I like the colors much better than the white ones. My daughter stoppes after she finished at the Hospital om her way home. I gave her hers ans she liked it as much as the Chrysler Aspen she had bought. She loved the colors as much as I did. They match the colors of my house and trim. Thanks Brian the staff at OCF for making me happy in one more way.
Posted By: Anne-Marie Re: Tee Shirts - 10-09-2011 10:56 AM
My T-Shirts came too - several days ago and they are beautiful! I love the color and I hope we can stay with it. It reminds me of the color of the scar from my son's surgery which has pretty much disappeared, now but the memory of all the help I received from OCF will always be with me. We see so much pink everywhere, it's about time we get some of this burgundy color in view. . . . maybe cups, pens, bras, kitchen appliances, school bags, etc?
Posted By: Sandy177 Re: Tee Shirts - 10-10-2011 05:12 AM
Love my T-shirt...ordered the note cards, too. They are beautiful!
Posted By: Sal Re: Tee Shirts - 10-10-2011 10:22 AM
Got one too!
Posted By: EzJim Re: Tee Shirts - 10-13-2011 01:06 AM
Geez yes Anne-Marie. I could use a pink bra. LOL Empty that is.
Posted By: Sandy177 Re: Tee Shirts - 10-13-2011 07:15 AM
eh hem...burgundy bra! Empty?! Why? (uh oh...I'm not sure I want to know...)

Posted By: tristeve Re: Tee Shirts - 10-16-2011 11:29 PM
Got mine, I just might wear it out.

Must have for all of us!

Posted By: David2 Re: Tee Shirts - 10-17-2011 01:07 AM
The shirts really are nice, folks. I got one and now have ordered a couple more for friends.
Posted By: zengalib Re: Tee Shirts - 10-17-2011 01:34 AM
I love mine, and I am on my second pack of note cards.
Posted By: Brian Hill Re: Tee Shirts - 10-18-2011 01:26 AM
I thank all of you for supporting OCF through your purchases. We are starting to run out of the really big and really small sizes, but lots of mediums and larges left. If there is any issue when we get your orders, we will contact you regarding sizes, and as we run completely out of things, I will have Megan or Jamie edit the store so the option to buy a sold out size is eliminated.

I wish we had this kind of run on these earlier in the game. We will create a new one with a simple message and colors like this on it soon. However, unlike these we will not be able to sell them at a loss� Thanks everyone. We have two months left to sell the rest.
Posted By: David2 Re: Tee Shirts - 10-19-2011 01:45 AM
Brian, I just bought another and will no doubt be grabbing more.
Posted By: MikeG Re: Tee Shirts - 11-10-2011 12:37 PM
I just bought 3.
Posted By: ChristineB Re: Tee Shirts - 11-10-2011 12:44 PM
Thanks everyone for keeping up the flow of orders for the burgundy "Make Oral Cancer History" tshirts! There are only small, medium and large left. Hope everyone orders more than one since when they are gone, they are gone forever, never to be made again. Its a real shame as these are very nice tshirts. At only $10 each which includes S&H, they are quite a bargain. Please help OCF continue to spread the word by wearing this important message out in public. Who knows, you could be saving someone's life by them seeing that shirt. While in the OCF store, check out the other items OCF sells. There are many different things that can help support OCF. The notecards make a beautiful gift.

Make Oral Cancer History tshirts
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