Posted By: Anonymous Tonsillectomy - 05-22-2007 08:48 PM
Been thinking about the HPV issue some more lately and it really seems like a bad situation all around. Basically, theres a vaccination out there for girls who havent contracted HPV16, 11, 6 etc etc but what of the rest of us?

I believe there is a very large proponent of the population that might be at risk as a result of this, even moreso of course if the finding that even something as simple as kissing may be enough to spread the virus. I havent really heard of anything so alarming since HIV, at least in my short lifespan. The scary part is, based on current treatments and statistics, OC seems more precarious than even HIV.

In the case of genital lesions, particularly in women... cryo-surgery and other methods have been employed for years now which make for little consequence even if infected with the identified "high-risk" types of HPV *and* even when disease is found in very late stages. Could the same type of procedure be employed for use in the mouth? I have heard nothing about this.

In my case, I know for a fact that one of the partners I was with had had prior cryo-surgery for genital lesions, so Im basically sure at this point that Im infected with at least one of the high risk types of HPV... and Im not sure how to react to this, but it has really got me thinking...

What, if ANYTHING can be done from a preventative standpoint now? I have scheduled an ENT appointment due to the discomfort ive been feeling and the enlargement of my right tonsil, and if it is found by some miracle that I dont at least have a serious problem in there, Ive been trying to think of what I can do.

Dr. Gillison's report in some part states that most of the HPV related tumors begin in the tonsil and surrounding areas due to the fact that the tonsils catch anything passing through the mouth. I have had VERY LARGE tonsils for going on three years now... they are obviously a catch all for anything that goes in my mouth. Even still, when I brought up the possibility of tonsillectomy to my last ENT a couple of years ago... he insisted that there was no reason to remove them if they were not causing me discomfort.

So my question is, by reducing the amount of area where the virus is hiding/could hide, would that not theoretically lower the risk of the cancerous cells ever forming there to begin with?

Sorry for such a long post, but this is something I can not seem to stop thinking about, nor can I stop kicking myself for being so foolish.
Posted By: Gail Mac Re: Tonsillectomy - 05-22-2007 09:14 PM
Well, my husband had his tonsils out when he was 10 and he still got HPV-induced SCC of the right tonsil and base of tongue -- there can be residual tonsil tissue after surgery or it can even re-grow somewhat (per our ENT). In fact, it looked to her like an infected, regrown bit of tonsil tissue before it was sampled and the cancer found.

Most of us are infected at some time in our lives by HPV and most of us shed the virus -- but some folks' immune systems fail to recognize or fails to eradicate the HPV (even though it may work fine when dealing with other viruses). Then, in a subset of these folks, the HPV infection can go on to cause cancer -- often after many years (Dr. Gillison told us it could have been 10-15 years since my husband's initial infection).

Posted By: Anonymous Re: Tonsillectomy - 05-22-2007 10:45 PM
Hi Gail,

Hope your husband is doing well. Its interesting you bring up the topic of growing tonsil tissue. Unfortunately, last night I found a tiny tag of tissue emanating from my right tonsil that wasnt there before. I was poking at it with a pen the day before since the crypts were collecting particles. This is probably the thing that has me most concerned now, I dont think spontaneous growths are par for the course with tonsils!

My contact with the person I spoke of was very recently, late last year so I probably havent shed the virus yet.

I guess my main concern is the fact I will never be able to be at peace. I hope that our fine representatives in the scientific community are able to come up with a medical solution that can help all of us out!
Posted By: Dragan Re: Tonsillectomy - 05-22-2007 11:16 PM
Please..don't beat yourself up over something that you had no knowledge of from a risk standpoint. It's counter-productive, you can't change what (if anything) has aready happened, and you'll drive yourself to the laugh-factory fretting about things like that.

When you talk about removing your tonsils to reduce the "threat" keep in mind that to do so would require you to undergo general anaesthetic and a surgical procedure. That in itself is FAR more dangerous, in an immediate sense, than the possibility of your having contracted something from someone in your past.

Your ENT is not likely going to remove anything without good reason and just cause; the risks outweigh the potential benefits.

Relax. It isn't cancer yet. If, God forbid, you are diagnosed with a cancer, you'll have enough on your mind to worry about, without worrying this much in advance.
Posted By: sharlee Re: Tonsillectomy - 05-22-2007 11:25 PM
1st you should know that cryo-surgery is for CERVICAL lesions or only used after a colposcopy. it is a freezing of the cells on the cervix. Genital lesions on both male & female ( genitals warts= hpv ) are treated with TCA Podophylin (sp?) and that is a form of acid if I am not mitaken and would not be used orally. . Then when Cryo dosent work ...they do what is called LEEP. SO just so you know not all cerival cases are hpv related, many cases yes not all though . And if you are talking genital warts ..that is HPV. But as everyone has stated until you get tested dont know and risky sexual behavior does increase our risk or sexually transmitted diseases. Unfortunatley Hpv can cause more then warts and cervial cancer. I worked for Planned Parenthhood for 2 years ! And I will tell you that 85% of sexually active people have one form of the hpv virus . SO now you know the risk, it is best to take precauitions
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Tonsillectomy - 05-22-2007 11:36 PM
Thanks to both of you.

Yea, thats the most ironic part of the whole thing. I had had a very uneventful social life when I was younger and then as I grew into my 20's I wanted to try new things out and finally had opportunities to do so... the irony is, all the times that I had my "risky" behavior with my mouth, was SPECIFICALLY because I was trying to avoid the traditional risks we are all very familiar with. That, and I had a real desire to please the person I was with due to my lonely teenagehood. No excuse for not being more careful I know... but I tried at least to do things safely.

Sorry, not trying to be graphic... just getting things off my chest.
Posted By: sharlee Re: Tonsillectomy - 05-22-2007 11:42 PM
Also Just so you a aware most any Std can be transmitted orally as well ! That is CHlamidya & Gonoherra can also get those orally and or the throat !SOOOOO again back to go see someone an get diagnosed..The only safe sex is NO sex. Or condoms , dental dams or knowing the partner.

Not lecturing by anymeans ..Just educating ..we have all done things I am sure we look back on now and say WHY DID I DO THAT ? Hind site is always 20-20
Posted By: davidcpa Re: Tonsillectomy - 05-23-2007 08:40 AM
I was told by Dr Beata Casanas, Communicable Disease Director for the Florida Dept of Health, who spoke with me to the Florida House on the Gardasil Vaccine Bill, that condoms are not effective in eliminating HPV transmission and that the only way currently to be safe from HPV is to NEVER have sex in any form and NEVER kiss anyone. Also there is NO WAY to know your partner either.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Tonsillectomy - 05-23-2007 10:22 AM
Well in that case I guess we just have to play the cards that are dealt to us. You cant stop living and having relationships because of a fear, no matter what it might be.

Heres hoping that Vaccine is implemented for boys too.
Posted By: JAM Re: Tonsillectomy - 05-23-2007 10:02 PM
Well, I've scrapped 3 reactions to Dr. Casanas's observations about avoiding HPV. Guess I'm glad I am 66+ yrs. and "not in the mood". as it were. Amy in the Ozarks
Posted By: sharlee Re: Tonsillectomy - 05-23-2007 11:27 PM
HAHAHA...Amy ,

I didnt need Dr Casana's observations to be not in the mood .. Even before my Diag and more KNowledge of HPV ..After working at Planned Parenthood and seeing just how much is out there ... was scary enough to keep me OUT OF THE MOOD ! LOL.. Truley is scary and the truth is the younger generation has NO FEAR and to beat that ,..they have NO SHAME.. we would see the same people over and over and over with the same or new STDS, they weren't ashamed or embarassed , they didnt care ..they werent pregnant and for alot of it they could take a dose of meication , but what about the things you cant cure or the HPV which causes the warts ? Better yet know we know 2 kinds of cancer ! I would love to go back and do more education for them .
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Tonsillectomy - 05-24-2007 12:42 AM
Sad to say I dont think it would do much good. Ive been on a little mini crusade explaining this to alot of people lately, and at this point... I just get the "everything gives you cancer" response. The ones who smoke and drink are particularly tough to convince, since they already figure theyre at about the same amount of risk anyway.

Its amazing when you think about the fact that if a vaccine or proper education were in place, the number of new OC cases diagnosed could potentially drop by at least 9000 per year (25 percent).

Seems its probably too late for me, but even if people dont listen Ill keep telling them, or being an example.
Posted By: davidcpa Re: Tonsillectomy - 05-24-2007 07:54 AM
The NEJOM acticle influenced by Dr Gillison concluded that there were at least 2 distinct pathways for developing oral cancer; one by tobacco and alcohol and one by HPV and they saw no association between the two. So if that's the case the comment that you got from the ones that smoke or drank would be totally false.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Tonsillectomy - 05-24-2007 10:47 AM
David my friend you are preachin to the choir... I explain that. Problem is, it seems unless people see it drilled into through their eyes via public service announcement 15 times a day... they just dont seem to get it. aarrgh..
Posted By: davidcpa Re: Tonsillectomy - 05-24-2007 05:55 PM
Just trying to give u some ammo.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Tonsillectomy - 05-24-2007 06:03 PM
I appreciate it, and I think part of the problem is right now its hard to convey to severity of the situation and not have my fear come through. In their eyes Im just babbling because Im scared of whats going on with myself. I literally carry a little LED flashlight in my pocket so I can look back there whenever there is a mirror handy.

I try to only allow myself to hang out on here and read through threads for a small amount of time per day, as it can be very overwhelming. I read about the young man my own age last night and his valiant battle and I was overcome with emotions. This is a very valuable resource and an extremely tight knit community of individuals here, which is why I made a little donation the other night, a price can not be placed on the kind of support and information provided by this site. I keep you all in my prayers and I hope for the same.

Back to my radio talk shows for now.. smile

Posted By: PeteyB Re: Tonsillectomy - 05-25-2007 06:14 AM
Hello PD47

I awoke to my pain alarm. While waiting for meds to work I am surfing the OCF. I can't think and concentrate and its hard to read. But about your "crusade on cancer", I think we all jump into the fire running. But I learned that no matter what the situation is, in reality, the only person you can change is "you", period.

I heard a joke in AA that said: How many pschycologists does it take to change a lightbulb? Answer: One, but only if "IT" wants to change. Sounds stupid, but there is a reality of truth in it. And it rings "loud and clear" in AA.
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