You can cross your toes and eyes too.... I have my follow up scan - the first tomorrow - just a little nervous about the results which I get on aug. 3 - I feel great but there's always that fear so if you all could take a minute to say a prayer for me that would be awesome, alla, buddha, the Devine or just plain god is accepted- to me they are all one and the same. I have been blessed - so far so I'm duly grateful for all the wonderful people here - and my family. Hugs to you - you all are amazing and I in turn will say a prayer for you, your loved ones, both those that are suffering, healing, or in good health. Take care. ( sorry if I sound a little bible thumper - ish - I do believe in God but I swear I'm not crazy religious!!! smile )
I'm not especially religious but I find myself praying a lot lately. Mostly for people here and people I meet at the hospital. It feels like helping. I will definitely add you to my prayers. Best of luck with your scan. I hope your results come back quickly and are exactly what you're hoping for.
Good luck today Cheryl! I'm sorry you have to wait a week for the results. Not sure if this will help or not but I'll share this - in my quest to be a better person after cancer than I was before, I read the "Power of Now" my biggest take away is to ask myself when I'm troubled "what do I need now?" whatever your answer is to your own question is, you ultimately only have 2 choices 1) make a change 2) if you can't make a change, then accept it - those are really the only 2 options.
Going through that mental task has helped me with many stressors lately but especially waiting for test results - if there's nothing I can do to change the wait time then I found that if I accept it and realize that right NOW there is nothing more that I need - it's like you've done all that can be done to address the issue and there's satisfaction (for me at least) in that - worry isn't going to change anything - so if you accept the things that you can not change then all you're left with is this moment right now and at this moment there is nothing to fix or change - all there is in this moment is an opportunity to enjoy this moment. This is in contrast to my Type A personality but I found it works for me. Plus - the author's Canadian so if you haven't read it you should!
That being said - prayer helps too - so I'll say a prayer for you as you wait for good news!

Take care!
What Jennifer just said from the "Power of Now" - and best wishes and prayers!
Thanks for the advice and prayers - I've always been a now type person. When I had the very small node highlight on my baseline scan I knew it was a decent chance that it wasn't cancerous based on location and three Drs opinions - but decided to have rads on that side too - just to be on The safe side- as that was not my operative side. I asked the dr. If was your mother, sister, daughter etc... What would you do... ? He said exactly what I was doing. He also said Cheryl if you are worried - don't be you are doing everything you can/should - i had to accept and believe in that. I feel the same about my scan. I am doing what I can - I am eating healthfully, doing whatever I can to recover and I feel good. I dont like waiting but it is par for the course... There are other people who have to wait as well, so im not alone - worrying doesnt help only hinders - that said a little prayer, blessings and luck, can't hurt! smile
Hugs to you all.
Cheryl, everything will come out fine. You've done everything you can do and you have the best attitude. You have been such a big help to me during this horrible time for both of us.... You are about a week ahead of me schedule wise,so I always use you as a guide. I will be thinking of you all day tomorrow and sending healing thoughts and prayers your way. Then we can do the happy dance after you hear the good results next week! Hugs, Ingrid
Cheryl...Prayers headed your way. I know how nervous you are everything will be fine. In Sept. I'll be going through the same thing.

Good Luck...Best Wishes
Hugs to you all you are amazing and giving! Ingrid you'll do fine too!
I think you're going to be just fine. But of course you are in my thoughts and prayers.

'Who among you, through worry, can increase your life by even a minute?' That is a modern paraphrase of part of a verse from the New Testament. Whether a person subscribes to the Bible or the New part of it, you have to admit that it is funny to think that anyone would think worry can increase your life. That is one of the ways I get through my days, "working" on the realization that worry is pointless. Yes, I, being vulnerable to worry too, have to work at it, mostly by consciously letting it go.

You know you've got my prayers for tomorrow - been sending them for days, so that counts for something grin. I just know you'll be fine, but I also know how we sweat out every one of these tests. I'm the worst, I think, on the whole Forum. I need to eat some Wheaties, or something, so I can be tough like a lot of the Forum members are, or at least seem to be. Anyway, prayers galore headed your way.

Hugs from julieann

I will always be praying for you! I will be looking forward to hearing the great news!

Thanks all of you my prayers to you to for a bright and cancer free future... Hugs
I will be thinking about you. You have been so supportive to me through this journey. I hope you have nothing to worry about!
Thinking about you. Just a few more days to get your results.
Thank you so much... I truly believe in the power of prayer and positivity. I got my tentative results friday but didnt want to post until after my dr. saw me today as a just in case... I am clear... completely!!! thank god - one down a million to go? Not sure... I see both my RO and SO for a follow up in Oct!!! I was told I am now in suveillence mode... Thank you all for your kindness... I would also offer a prayers for those still having uncertain times or still fighting ( I was never much of a prayer before - though I did ocassionally talk to god!) but now I say them daily for everyone know who as fought or is still stuggling! So pea 2 is good... pea 3 you're next! fingers crossed! eyes too :o)
Will be looking for your post today Cheryl. It's the 3rd and still praying for you. I know it might take a day or 2 for the reslutls but will be waiting.
Hey Pea 2, ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL. I knew it, I knew it wink. Now, if Pea 3 (me) can have my biopsy Friday, 5th, and get some GOOD news, we three peas can do the "Happy Dance." I'm not sure if I have to wait for the results, or ENT can "see" what's going on, but I'll post anyway. Again, Cheryl, I'm so happy for you.
Please to I will be waiting - fingers crossed your results are clear!!! smile hugs to you try not to worry!!!
Come on little pea # 3!!!! You can get thru this!!!!! I know biopsies are scary and the wait is torture. Your doc is doing this to narrow down what is wrong. Best wishes on Friday!!!!
What a wonderful result Cheryl and I love the sound of "clear... completely!!!"
Having a blond moment and not sure about all those P's confused but know #3 is you Julieann.
Your turn now for the ALL CLEAR.
Huggs to the P's wink

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