aaagh. So tommorrow is my very first face to face interview for a new job. I left my previous one last September. I had an phone interview a few weeks ago. That was fun! I go through it but it really sucked for me. I was in tears afterwards I didn't get a call in for an in person. The last recriter who go in touch with me I told her straight up that I would prefer in person instead.

So for this one tommorrow In the online application I filled out that I had a disability so I think they know something but they probably aren't sure what it is. Anyways will be rocking my livestrong bracelet and that better send the message!

Wish me luck guys. I hope they look past my speech issues and make a decision based upon my design work and experience. Fingers crossed! Lately I've just been going for it with my job search. Its been interesting! Hoping to get something soon. Tired of freelance.

Good luck at the interview tomorrow!!! I hope you get the job!!!
ooh, I feel like I just stepped into the Twilight Zone. I just this minute sent an email to someone that described my migraine yesterday at an INTERVIEW. When I have a migraine, my speech is like I have had a stroke and wrong words come out. Yesterday it was hamburger instead of handbag.

Anyway, onto your topic: I suppose the good news is that you are a graphic designer which means the work you are good at is not so dependent upon speech - although I imagine there is a fair bit of communication with the client/employer in the process.

I think you set yourself up perfectly with insisting on a face to face.

Would it be worthwhile stating right up front what the problem is - not in any gory detail, just that you have had oral surgery and that you hope your speech will improve over time (you don't have to tell them it might be a long time)? And maybe reassure in an indirect way that speech impediment doesn't mean brain impediment - you know that situation where people assume because you sound slurred you are either drunk or developmentally disabled?

Hey, and you won't need to cross your fingers, your work will speak for itself and your confidence will shine through I am sure (it has on the boards anyway)

Kate, I wish you all the best! Pleas let us know how it went and better yet, when you get the job!!!

Dont you have any maroon OC bracelets?
Good luck, Misskate! You are a survivor and you have survived worse things than an interview! I really like Karen's suggestions of being up front with the interviewer. They will be impressed with your tenacity and ability of handling whatever comes your way!
Good luck - hope you get it!
thank you thank you. About to get dressed in my interview outfit and fix my hair.....Here I go! Yes I think I will just say it right out front.

Hi Kate,
Good luck, fingers crossed for you!
I have the same problem. I am a sales guy and went to having a radio voice to a frog, kind of stinks! Quite honestly I do get self consious.

Kick A tomorrow, let your rep prove how good you are!They are not hiring your voice!

Hey Kate - hope it went well! I'm sure you've heard this before but it seems like (at least to some degree) that our speech problems are much more noticeable to us than to the rest of the world!
Good luck!
Kate - thinking about you today. Knock 'em dead!
Thanks everyone. Well I made it to the 2nd phase of the interview process. I was going to wear the livestrong bracelet but then at the last minute I didn't.

When I applied for the job the system asked me if I had a disability and I said that I did so I figured they knew something before I went in.

I didn't even mention my speech issues at all. This interview is for a major Fortune 500 company. I thought I should just see how much of an equal opportunity employer they actually are. Companies are not supposed to discriminate on basis of disability so let's see how it goes right? I was glad that I didn't make any mention of it because then the topic of conversation was focused on my skills and background the duties job that I was applying for which was how I wanted it to be anyway.

So whatever way it goes this was a breakthrough for me!

On to round 2. Would be fabulous if I got this job smile Thanks everyone. KATE
Ccongrats, misskate! That's great news. When will the next interview be and have you decided what to wear??
Well I have this "design challenge" due this Thursday and then a follow up interview after that. Well I will be dressed to the nines ;0

No bracelet. No explanation. Just me as I am. Hopefully they will hire me!

I really hope so too, Kate! My latest mantra is, "Don't hold back and be RELENTLESS!"

Go for it, kiddo smile
Way to go Kate!!!

There are all kinds of legalities surrounding what they can and cant ask you when it comes to disabilities. Im so glad that you are on to round 2 of the interview process.

Go get this job for all of us who cant!!!
Sounds like you're a real "go getter," and will succeed in getting the job. Can't wait to find out, so be sure to let us know as soon as you hear. GOOD LUCK!
Thanks! Yes- you know, since I left my job back in September my confidence and speech have improved immensely. That place had some very bad juju for me. I am so glad I left and have pursued other avenues.

Do you think that big companies are required to hire some certain percentage of employees with disabilties? I wonder. What is it that they can and cannot ask?
I would bet somewhere there is a backup for us. Supposedly they can't age discriminate either, but we know they do. Go girl go and good luck.
I'm so glad to hear you made it to the 2nd interview. I know it is a tough job market these days, so I'll be praying for you to get this job.

Way to go! Keep us posted!
Congratulations! You are surviving and thriving! You are self-assured, you are fearless, and you have pushed oral cancer into the background. Your talent, skills, and professional polish are doing the talking now!

Good luck and kick butt on the design challenge and interview!!!

Thanks everyone smile Still have many hoops to jump through. I really hope to get this one. Would be a huge relief! smile K
Great news on the 1st phase of your job interview!
Re your question on disability questions, you might check out this site:
I knew you would go forward!!!
Great news, Kate. Knock 'em dead!
Great news! You go girl!!!
Yeah Kate!!! You go girl....we're all rooting for you!!


Thanks for that link! I'm gonna see how long I can go without telling anyone or having anyone ask me. Since it is the law that no one ask me....This stupid speech impediment doesn't need to define me anymore. Limitations be gone! smile People should actually be blind to it if they are truly not prejudiced.

Best of luck with the position, for many (me included) employment is empowerment and a great confidence booster.

Best of luck getting that job Kate.
With that great attitude of yours you are already a winner wink
I also have a bit of what sounds like a lisp and problems with the S sounds which seem to be worse when on the phone, tired and just feeling plain lazy to try a little harder.
Over the phone I have been accused of eating and also having a bit of a tipple so face to face would be easier for me too.
Best wishes for getting this job on your merits which is all it should be based on.
Congratulations, Kate! I have been following your posts and your blog since finding this forum. You are an inspiration to me. I hope you get the job. It sounds like they would be lucky to have you.
Update: Well I made it to the 2nd rounds but today I got my rejection email. I thought it had went so well!
Bummer frown Since I applied for this last job I've been approached by several other recruiters. Have an interview with a staffing agency recruiter Weds. Uggggh. Was hoping to just nail this interview and get the job so as to not be thrown into the mix in San Francisco via the staffing agency. Stressful enough as a regular person let alone someone who has speech issues.

Well- it will make for interesting times! Who knows if they will even put me out on jobs. Now that I know it is illegal - I am not saying anything about the details of my speech issues. I'm just going to play on and see how I do!

Wish me luck! Sure am gonna need it. Maybe it won't be so bad. I am scared though.


That is a bummer, Kate! My son went through so much of this same thing, many times before things turned around for him! Just making it to the second round means you were very well considered and far ahead of many, many others! It could just be the economy and the way things are going with your particular area of expertise, as well as all the new graduates in your field entering into the pool of competition at this time. The fact that several new recruiters are contacting you is a good sign. It was so stressful for my son, too! but he just kept cranking out the resumes, staying in touch with the recruiters, doing phone and in-person interviews, networking with friends and friends of friends, Twitter, FaceBook, meeting in person with his Twitter people and former colleagues. BTW - he also removed anything on FB and Twitter that could be considered objectionable to recruiters or possible employers. Getting together with friends who were also networking and making it a "job" of keeping active each day in the job search really seemed to help lower the stress level for him. He did temporary and contract jobs in his field (software developer) for a while, too before getting the job he has now and he is making good money and very happy. Kate - not getting the job you were hoping for only means there is something much better just around the corner, so don't lose your focus and positive attitude! Keep networking and spreading the word about your unique talents! Sending positive vibes your way!

Someone will get past your issues and see the real you and you will be happier in that job. I guarantee it.
It looks like you have other irons in the fire, girl! The right opportunity will present itself and you are already prepared for it. Keep going. The only time when you have a 100% chance of failure is if you don't get out there and take a shot.

Experiences give us experience. I'm glad you got out there and went not only one round, but you passed and you made it to the second round. Rest assured, not everyone made it to round 2. There are always things we can add to our tool-box from whatever it is we experience.

Do not be afraid to compete. You have done something the competition may never have had to even think about--you fought a life-threatening disease and you beat it! You are strong and you have a great life perspective to bring to any endeavor. You are positive and you aren't letting it define you. I'm sure you can find ways to cast a light on it so it is seen as less of a liability and more of an achievement should anyone ever bring it up. Spin can make a huge difference.

Kate,you have overcome a bigger challenge than finding a job. Keep at it. You'll find what you are looking for. And, your employer will be lucky to have someone with your depth and spirit. I'll wish you good luck anyway because it can only help. But, girl, you already have what it takes to be successful.

Kate, I'm incredibly sorry to hear about this. The fact that I admire you to no end for getting out there as you have is small comfort I know, even to the extent that I'm sure everyone else here at the forum feels the same way.

You'll go on to bigger and better things. David is right.
Sorry to hear you didnt get the job. It took alot of strength to get out there and go thru the interviews. If nothing else, it was practice for the next one which could be an even better opportunity. Im still rooting for you!!!! Go get 'em Kate!!!!
you guys seriously are the BEST! I was feeling so blue. Sandy- you pumped me up. THANK YOU!!!!

Yesterday I went into another design staffing agency. They were all over me! Felt great. Of course they are trying to slot me in to some spots that don't sound good BUT its nice to be wanted a little bit.
Got contacted by 2 other recruiters too. So its gonna happen soon.

Little worried about previous job though. Did not leave on the best terms due to the discriminatory behavior that happened with me.
Basically I stood up for myself and got completely sabotaged by my managers... but this agency doesn't seem that concerned. Maybe because I went through them before?

Well wish me luck. I had another PHONE interview yesterday. I am getting so much better but its tedious!

Thanks for all the good vibes and thoughts.

Kate! You are most welcome! It completely made my day to hear that what I wrote helped!!! So, THANK YOU! Please keep us posted on what happens next! You have your tool box all ready to go, you've got talent and skills, and people are in your corner who believe in you (and not just your friends here, but professionally as well.) Go get 'em Kate!! You'll knock their socks off!!!

You have so much to be confident about! But, you know where to go if you ever need a little boost--here on the forum or you can PM me whenever you want.

Like I said before, I'll wish you luck...but, Kate, you're going to be successful anyway!

Love ya!
Well it has been an interesting few months. I got rejected from many jobs but continued to press on. I went on 4 in person interviews and even had 5 phone interviews!!!!! I couldn't believe it. After all that last week I accepted a new full time position with a great company. Who hoo!!!! New Insurance and other Benefits. I'm SO thrilled and excited and revieved!!!!

SO much better than my last company. Great team- so much more diverse - male female- lots of different ages and backgrounds.

Thank you so much all of you for giving me a boost when I felt so down and out.

You never know who you are going to meet. Many people in this world have been through trying times and people have more heart empathy and undertanding than you think they will.

So don't let this cancer define who you are. It doesn't have to hold you back. I am lucky I do visual design for a career but I think that everyone could find ways to participate in life after this cancer.

Also here is an article that was just written about me.

Thank you everyone again for being my rock. These forums are amazing.

YOU, are amazing, Kate! So happy everything is going so well for you! And what a beautiful article, too.
Congratulations, Kate! Thanks for sharing the article. I know a lot of people entering the process will be relieved to read a story with such a positive outcome.
I am totally impressed by the amount of hard work you have put into your recovery. You new employer is lucky to get you! Thanks for sharing the wonderful news.
Kate - I was thrilled to hear about your new job - congratulations! And thank you for sharing that article - it was a great testimony to your strength and perseverance. You are amazing!
Kate..I am so happy for you. You pressed on even when things seemed so daunting and now you have a terrific position in a great company. CONGRATS,

Hi Kate,
I have already commented on the wonderful article on your post "My Story on UCSF Website".
Congratulations on your perseverance and hanging in there to get that great job. Great to see that is even better than the last one. I can really feel your well deserved excitement whistle
Good things come to those who wait! Im so happy to read that after many interviews you have obtained a great position and are happy. I was rooting for you!!!!

I love your article! Thank you for putting the word out there and showing people what they can overcome when faced with adversity. I also loved the picture on the beach! Its great to see you moving on with your life in a positive direction. So often, after surviving cancer's devastation its so hard to get back into living a normal life. Especially when faced with such a difficult hurdle of relearning to eat and speak clearly again. You are a wonderful symbol of someone who didnt let cancer define who they were. Thank you for doing the article and helping others in similar situations.

Be well!!!!!! smile
Congratulations Kate!!! Great article too!!


That is fantastic Kate - you've proven perseverance and strength will get you through! smile
omg Congratulations!!

So happy for you!!!

I'm printing your article to show it to my dad right away laugh
KATE!!!! I was thinking about this thread you started after getting your lovely PM. So, I peeked in for an update!!! What a great article! You are such an amazing woman!!! You are beautiful on the inside and on the outside. You have a wonderful and positive outlook, perseverence, and such a love for life.

I'm so thankful that you are my friend and someone to whom I can look for inspiration and strength.

Congratulations on the new job! It sounds like a great opportunity. And, when the time is right, I wish you blessings on your path to motherhood. Oh, what a lucky child to have you as his or her mom!!!

Love you, my dear friend!

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