Posted By: wilckdds VELscope - 01-28-2007 11:49 PM
I would like to share some information that everyone can take to their dentist to help them offer their patients the most up to date oral cancer screenings.

Our office just purchased a VELscope. Please check this link and pass it on: The $5,000 investment seemed so little for what it offers. We just got the light last week and our dentists and hygienists are excited about using it. It gives us a much greater sense of security in what we are doing. This system can help find cellular changes below the surface before they are clinically visible. It is truly exciting.

Well, you'll never guess who was the first one to get screened. After 7 or 8 examinations, I have the most looked at mouth in Southeastern PA.

I'm trying to get everything setup in the office before I leave and have been typing away putting together patient handouts, posters and an email newsletter for our patients to introduce this breakthrough in technology. We've left a message for the local newspaper's reporter that did the story on me after my surgery in 2005, to see if this will interest her.

I wasn't surprised to find packaged with the disposable items used in the screenings, a packet of OCF brochures. Brian was involved in the development of this light and he doesn't miss a trick in getting the OCF information out there.

Posted By: davidcpa Re: VELscope - 01-29-2007 11:13 AM

I copied your post to my dentist. He is a friend of mine and has been my dentist for 10 years. I told him that you were a dentist since your post doesn't mention it.
Posted By: Lostpassword Re: VELscope - 01-29-2007 01:16 PM
Jerry (if you heaven't already left for that wonderful vacation) and David -
I have tried to search via the Velscope site for a list of dentists using it (we're in Florida) but to no avail. How can we find dentists in our individual states who have purchased this equipment? Thanks....JaneP
Posted By: wilckdds Re: VELscope - 01-29-2007 05:25 PM

The VELscope just came out for sale last September and it will probably become more common over the next 6 months or so. My understanding is that they have sold between 700 and 800 units. I can tell you that the $5,000 price tag will keep some offices from buying it.

I just called my rep who sold me the unit. He suggested that you call their main office at 1 888 541-4614. He said that one problem they are having is getting the names of the offices because they go by the registration cards that come in. Unfortunately, not everyone sends them in. So their list may not be up to date.

Anyway, give it a try.

Posted By: Brian Hill Re: VELscope - 01-30-2007 01:42 AM
I have been following the science of tissue florescence for 6 years, and it was being funded long before then by NIH grants. It is indeed an exciting development when used in conjunction with a conventional oral cancer exam. The first working prototype was tested about 5 years ago at MDACC in the GYN dept. But the NIDCR and the NIH to the tune of about 60 million dollars, have been funding research that has finally led to this commercial development. Who would have guessed that human cells would fluoresce when a particular wavelength of light excited the molecules of the fluorophors in them causing them to glow. When they do not behave like this there is something wrong with them. But in the end it still require an INVOLVED doctor or auxiliary to want to be involved in early detection like Jerry, and at this stage of the game
Posted By: wilckdds Re: VELscope - 01-30-2007 08:08 AM
I have been asked by the leadership of the 2008 Valley Forge Dental Conference to setup and run an oral cancer screening booth at their 3 day meeting. It was impossible to do something this year as I am getting back from my trip during the meeting.

I have already discussed having a VELscope at the booth in order to introduce it to the attendees. I am hoping to get the company to do a booth, too at the meeting, even though it is relatively local meeting.

Brian I know I will be able to count on you for the OCF banners and handouts, as I did with the Relay For Life last year and will again this year.

Posted By: Leslie B Re: VELscope - 01-30-2007 10:22 AM
CNN just had an "American Morning" segment, by health reporter Elizabeth Cohen, looking at "5 myths about breast cancer" (younger women don't get it, you have to have a family history to get it, etc.). There didn't seem to be any particular news peg for this segment. The information about the myths (along with the facts knocking each one down) came from, which appears to be the breast cancer equivalent of OCF and which got an on-screen credit as the source for the material.

There certainly are plenty of myths about oral cancer, and it strikes me that the introduction of the VELscope into wide usage could provide the "hook" that news producers may be looking for. I expect there would be some pretty interesting visuals (i.e., what the cancerous or pre-cancerous cells in the mouth look like under the light, compared with what normal cells look like under it) -- plus information could be offered to dispel the myths (it's found only in heavy smokers/drinkers/chaw users, patients are primarily over 50 and largely male, etc.) and discuss the HPV connection. There are too many cases on this board of people not being diagnosed at an early stage because their younger age/non-smoking history/etc. didn't fit the conventional wisdom, even among many health professionals, about who comes down with oral cancer.

Just a thought.

All the best,
Posted By: August Re: VELscope - 01-31-2007 12:31 AM
Leslie....I think that you are onto something very important here! Have you noticed how many paid advertisements there are on tv for prescription drugs? The companies are trying to court not the physician but the patient, by having them question their doctors about new medicines. The doctors find it annoying, but it must be working for the companies, because public awareness of their new drugs forces the doctors to look into them more throughly.

If the Velscope got some exposure to the public, THEY would query their own dental/oral/ENT providers about it and ask why they didn't have the latest thing.
Posted By: wilckdds Re: VELscope - 01-31-2007 06:03 AM
Leslie, August, et al,

I think it would be a great idea if anyone that is interested in getting the VELscope publicity, give the President of LED Diagnostics a call and tell him your ideas. His name is Wayne Rees and the company's toll free number is 1-888-541-4614.

Check out the website, tell him you read about the VELscope on the forum, mention my name (I have spoken to him) and he knows Brian very well.

I'm working with my sales rep, but I will be leaving tomorrow for my vacation.

Posted By: August Re: VELscope - 01-31-2007 10:43 AM
Thanks, Jerry. I will call Wayne Rees soon. I could at least take dentists a brochure when I deliver OCF brochures. I am going to make a determined push for my periodontist to consider getting the Velscope. He is very motivated, and I think that it would help his business tremendously by being the first/only person in town to have one.

I also want to discuss this with the RO at our hospital, who is very active with the ACS. Perhaps the hospital would be willing to spend some of their allotted community service money on such a device.

...much food for thought.

Thanks for the guidance.

Have a great trip!!! We will surely miss your input while you are gone. If you have something you want mentioned on the forum while you are gone, email me, and I will post it for you.
Posted By: JoAnne1981 Re: VELscope - 01-31-2007 10:42 PM
Hi Jerry,
As a result of Jack's case our dentist got a velscope for each of the 3 offices in their practice. I got screened with it in October. Today he told me that he has picked up 4 cases of early HNC using the scope. This is a great advancement and clearly going to do a lot of good.

Regards JoAnne
PS ...and have a nice vacation, we're right behind you leaving Friday morning for our long delayed anniversary trip to Hawaii
Posted By: Eileen Re: VELscope - 02-01-2007 02:08 PM
Hi Joanne,
Just tried to email you and for some reason, it is not working.

Could you please email me the names of the dr's with the Velscope. I want to make certain my husband gets referred to one the next time the white spots turn up in his mouth.

Have a great trip and hope you get to scuba.

Posted By: August Re: VELscope - 02-01-2007 03:59 PM
I don't live anywhere close to NJ, but I plan to call the company and find out where the closest dental practioner with a Velscope is. I will go there for such an exam! I can easily get to Houston, or New Orleans, or Memphis, or Birmingham.....I have family in each place, and it would be well worth the trip. What a wonderful discovery! What a terrific adjunct to an otherwise thorough OC exam. No longer will simply a visual exam be considered adequate.
Posted By: wilckdds Re: VELscope - 03-04-2007 11:40 PM

Hope you had a great vacation. Haven't been to Hawaii since my honeymoon in 1969.

I had a wonderful time, but came down with a headcold two days after getting back. Still trying to get caught up with everything between naps. I'm sure it's still a great place to visit.

Eileen, send your husband across the river. I'll check him out and you, too. Gratis, of course.

Posted By: Eileen Re: VELscope - 03-06-2007 10:14 PM
Hi Jerry,
Thanks. No need to do gratis. My insurance pays for oral cancer exams. He is due in November so if my prosthodontist doesn't buy one, I may be sending him your way.

Glad you had a great trip. I'm jealous.

Take care,
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