Posted By: DM32ASA Making a donation - 10-18-2006 11:31 AM
Hello Everyone !

I would like some information on how to make a donation.

I did see the online donation page. But I would like to send the old way. Some of us like that.
So what is the mailing address to send donation to OCF?

As you know money does not grow on trees and keeping up a great WEB SITE is not cheap!

Maybe a few of you others would like to send also. We have all been lucky to have such a great site to help us through some real bad days and years. I would like to support this site.

Ok, thanks laugh
Take care..
Posted By: Gary Re: Making a donation - 10-18-2006 12:44 PM from the nav bar on this page, you can get to a donation page, learn about other means of philanthropic giving, or become a member of OCF
Posted By: DM32ASA Re: Making a donation - 10-18-2006 01:02 PM
Thank you Gary !!

I guess I missed that page!

take care
Posted By: Brian Hill Re: Making a donation - 10-18-2006 03:52 PM

On the "About us" link on the main nav bar you can get all our contact information if you wish to mail a check.

Off of the same navigation bar you can go directly to the OCF store, and make a donation, buy a T-shirt ( We are on our 6th run of the OCF survivor dog T-shirt, and our second run of our knock off of the TV series Survivor logo shirt. These raise awareness, bolster the spirits of someone in treatment, and bring a small amount of money into OCF to continue operations.) purchase books and more. If all our posters would buy a T shirt for their loved one in treatment for instance we could pay our web bill for several months out of the profits from them. We also have donation amounts as small as $5.00 in our store..... Every little bit helps us make it from month to month with our bills.

It is only through generous people that give back, that we stay alive every month. Some OCF participants are there monthly for us with a small donation, others from as far away as Hong Kong have sent us a very large donation once each year. The question is what is the value that you get from being part of this OCF family? and What are you willing to do in return for the help that you have gotten? I'd like to thank Diane for bringing this up, and wanting to help. People like her will ensure that we are here in the future, and that our missions of bringing down the death rate from this disease through early detection, increasing public awareness, and offering support to those that find themselves as patients and family members will continue and have impact. No donation is too small. Even buying a T-shirt generates $9.00 that we can use to help others.
Posted By: DM32ASA Re: Making a donation - 10-20-2006 04:22 PM

Really our THANKS goes to you!! We would not have this site if it wasn't for you.

I am hoping that others will join in and send a little something. I know that those of us that smoked burned up a lot in one month! Even if we sent the price of one pack X's 1,000 people... $$$$$ That would help a lot !! laugh

Maybe others will take this as a challange and do it. It only takes a minute and you get so much more back.!!

Thanks again
Posted By: Tom J Re: Making a donation - 10-21-2006 01:45 AM
Diane - Very soon, you will have the opportunity to purchase a VERY good book on HNC. In fact, you can purchase several copies and give Brian the extras so he can distribute the thing to those who cannot pay. Char and I intend to purchase a batch of them.

You are right. OCF runs on Brian's hard work and generosity. Those of us who benefit from it can certainly help. Think of all the additional folks that OCF could reach if each of us just helped a little!! Become a member! TJ
Posted By: davidcpa Re: Making a donation - 10-21-2006 12:58 PM
Brian, perhaps this site should send an e mail to anyone that posts over a certain number, say 25 or 50, reminding them how critical donations are, etc and asking that they consider making a donation. The e mail could list various levels and maybe their level could be displad below their handle just like the number of posts they have made. Once the e mail was written it could be sent over and over and the only increased costs would be updating the posters' level. If the poster is still active one year from their donation anniversary, a follow up e mail could be sent requesting another donation, etc.

I am just throwing this out without to much thought but maybe there are "fundrasier types" that can polish it up. Regardless, I will make a donation.
Posted By: Brian Hill Re: Making a donation - 10-21-2006 05:02 PM
It's a good idea David.

Next month OCF will be sending out an email to everyone that we have an address for, and a print letter to all others who perhaps have sent in a check or contacted us in a snail mail manner...asking for financial support. As both Thanksgiving (we all should appreciate this for very obvious reasons now) and the giving time of Christmas approach, we hope that people will be in the mood to help if we ask outright. We are going to tell them what we are working on what outcomes and positive results we expect to get from it, what services we are currently providing and need to continue and hopefully show them that we are worthy of their help, and that we all share a common value system.

I am hoping that the response will be good, because all of these contacts CAME TO US originally and they are a very well groomed list of people that understand this disease. We'll see how it works out. Obviously the posters on this board have all registered their email addresses and will be part of this outreach. Previous donors, people that have signed up for our e-newsletter soon to come out, information requests that we have gotten by email, and more will all be included in this outreach. It is probably about 10,000 names. After this mailing there will clearly be some that come back as undeliverable and we will groom the list and continue to add to it. Barbara Boland and her family have done an amazing job of helping OCF each year with a 3 month letter writing drive of their own to family, friends, and business associates that has raised between $15,000 and $20,000 for OCF each year, for two years in a row. If her family can do it, so can others. But we hope that December is the month that people choose to open their hearts...and their pocketbooks and wallets, for a cuase that spends 90 % of every dollar on something directly related to hepinhg people and not infrastucture, salaries, and other collateral expenses. We rank in the to 10% of all charities in the US in relationship to low operating and administrative expenses vs. money spent to accomplish something in the real world of our disease. We're proud of that, and people can be assured that we are thoughtful and frugal when it comes to using their donations wisely.
Posted By: DM32ASA Re: Making a donation - 10-27-2006 05:54 PM

Just to let ya know I already sent check to OCF. Sent out same day posted. So I missed your post about the books.

Good idea.

Take care.
Posted By: DM32ASA Re: Making a donation - 10-27-2006 10:19 PM
Here is another thought.

Everyone has a anniversary date of their cancer treatment. This could be that individals time to reflect and donate to OCF.

This way the donations would come in all year round and would not over whelm the book keeper all at once. I know the book keeper would like this idea. laugh

Take care
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