I just had my TORS lingual tonsillectomy yesterday. I thought I was going to be in the Hospital one night, but they told me it was going to be outpatient.
It went well, no complications, biopsy results in 4 business days.
I was feeling very tired after the the surgery, and of course I was having pain trying to eat or drink.
But, then I couldn't urinate, and it was getting close to the cutoff time to let me go home.
But with another intravenous bag, and a few more bottles of water, I was good to go. (No pun intended).
I was so happy to get home, and I managed to eat some egg salad.
Then the part I hadn't read about on this forum, THE PHLEGM!
Oh man, what a night! Up all night, clearing my throat, or at least trying. Then I looked on the forum to see if this was normal, and I see that it is.
I used Stef H's mixture to rinse, I think it worked better then water alone. (Solution of 1/4 tsp baking soda, 1/8 tsp salt and a cup of warm water).
So I was planning on making some multi grain Quinoa cereal, and eating it cold, which I did for my previous painful laryngoscopy. But I think it would have been too thick.
I made soup with beef broth, orzo and canned mushrooms, and ate it at room temperature. It went down so easy.
Much easier then the egg salad, or the last time with the Quinoa cereal.
I am not bleeding at all, so knock on wood, if that continues to be the case, hopefully this recovery won't take too long, as long as the phlegm goes away in a few days.
Thanks again for this forum, it's such a blessing.