I agree with Jim about positive thinking is 90% of the battle. I just continue to be frustrated with the medical industry.

I went back to the doctor to discuss my concerns and he sent me to have a CT scan of my neck. It should have been head, neck and chest based on my symptoms but okay, I go with it. No blood work. Get a call from doc's assistant, tells me everything is normal. I told her that I was relieved but what do we do from here since we haven't discovered the cause of my symptoms. She just said that she was sure the doc would discuss my results the next time I came in but the doc didn't need to see me back for this. I asked her to send me the results and it did state that they could not find cause for my findings but I did have a ligament in my neck that has ossified and would cause Eagle Syndrome which can cause many symptoms that I am having. I cetainly think that this is pertinent to know. So the results were not exactly "NORMAL" but that is what I am told. So now, I am pushing to have CBC with differentials, liver and kidney functions just to make sure we are not missing something. Still haven't heard back on that yet. I'll keep everyone posted as I continue to push to get the tests that should have been done from the beginning.

Hope everyone is having a great new year.
