Thank you, thank you. What a great article . . . I passed it on to my Dad. I told him NO SCRATCHING!!!!!! The MO gave him a prescription cream for the itching. He is really keeping an eye on it . . . and I will make sure of that! At least the rash is a good sign . . . but so scary what it can do to you if it gets out of control.

One day at a time . . .Yesterday Dad said he just wanted to run away, tears in his eyes. . . and was trying so hard to keep it all together. He is my Dad, and he has a difficult time just giving in and getting upset in front of me . . . but today he sounded better and ready to do this another day. He is finished on January 30th which seems so far away.

I don't know what I would do if it were not for this forum. I pray for you all everynight. Thank you all, again.


Mandibular ressection, flap replacement and bilateral neck dissection 10/25/07. Two nodes cancerous, others clear.
Started IRMT 12/17/07 (34) and ERBITUX ( 6). 7/17/08 cancer returned neck and shoulder area. Passed on peacefully surrounded by love on 9/15/08. And yes, he did see angels. . .