Indeed, people who have tested positive for 16 /18 have later tested free of it, which would indicate the bodies ability to irradicate it for some periods of time. This statement is a matter of dispute between experts. This likly has to do whith the types of tissues in which the virus lives. Herpes virus lies dormant in the nerves; reactivation may result from emotional stress, physical trauma, hormonal changes or other illnesses. Papilloma virus lives in cells of the outer skin, which are sloughed off and replaced at a rapid interval by the body, and which may be more receptive to the immune systems defenses. No research has defined why some people are able to clear the virus and some are not. Much of the important work on the connection of cervical and oral cancers was done at at Johns Hopkins by Dr. Maura Gillison, a worthwhile lecture if you are really interested in this. At the same facility, is Dr. Sydransky ( who is an OCF Board Member) has done extensive published work on the same subject. In 2003 Time Magazine named David as the best oncologist in the US.

Brian, stage 4 oral cancer survivor. OCF Founder and Director. The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant.