Deejer, I am trying to get as much info as I can, becasue you are 100% right, my dad is probably taking this just as bad as her and we only get bits and pieces of what the doc says. Fortunately my mom put me on all her papers as a health care proxy as well as my dad, so if need be, I can legally call her doctor and get all the info I want. As far as eating, thank you for the advice, she is trying to eat, but unfortunately, her jaw is really bothering her and she really can't eat much, everything either has to be mashed or pureed, but at least at this point she can still taste pretty well, so thank you for that info, I don't think she is really aware of that. Oh yes and lots of hugs... she definitely gets plenty of them... and then

Anyway, thanks again, and hug all around!

Rachael- daughter 53 year old mom at stage IV oral in jaw bone and has mestasized though lymph nodes, shoulders and spine..... more details to come.
mom now 55 and has metastized to chest and liver, has stopped all treatments and meds 7/12/11

**let good prevail over evil**