Hello everyone, I am Glenda, My husband Justin is a 60 year old Vietnam Vet that Angent Orange and smoking probably contributed to his cancer. Even though he quit smoking several years ago, we feel that it has contributed to his base of the tongue,mestastatic to the spine.Stage 4b.

He is in the VA system. Thank GOD. We are treated so wonderful.

We are from Florida but have rented a condo in Biloxi for 2.5 month treatment plan. He just complete 12 rounds of radiation on his spine. We have had a 2nd opinion from an onclogists, seperate from the VA. The private Doctor says no cure. Any treatment is pallative.
The VA doctor says it can be cured. Plan is for Carboplatin, 16-18 weeks,with Eribitux and 7-8 weeks of radiation on his throat.
He has so much pain in his arm and fingers. His hand feels like a band is on it. His pain level never goes below a 4.

40 mg of Oxycotton (SP) and Lori Tab for break through pain. No appetite.not eating all all. Very sore throat. Lots of phelm in the AM. Very good teeth and no need to pull. Lots
He sleeps a lot. Feels so bad. Pain can get to a level 10 veThis man was a very healthy straping musclular man. Good weight and no other health issues except for high blood pressure controlled by meds. Very lonesome. Family is coming next week. He does not want company or visits. I am so isolated...

spouse of Justin 60 years old, BOT,Metatsis to spine. Stage 4b.12 rounds of chemo on spine just completed...5/21/09.
Loading dose June 2,2009. When will he start feeling better from the radiation? Will the pain go away?

dx 04/09 BOT Stage 4b, scc, met to leison 6th cervical spine, May 15th, 2009, 12 rounds rt to spine. no relief for pain, top of back and right arm. started 38 rounds of rt and Carboplatin and Erbitux June 2 once a week at least while receiving RT, RT daily. Port and peg.