Well, it's been a long time between posts and much has happened. Richard is doing great and we are back to all our normal activities again with still much rest in-between. He stopped the patch over a month ago and at first felt really strange without the drug. I expected the physical discomfort to be worse, but the effect was more of a mental let- down and a feeling of not being himself. Within in a few days, he started to come back to himself and within a week was feeling better. I was so concerned with the physical withdrawal, that the mental aspect of it never occurred to me.
His taste is still not normal and the saliva is greatly reduced, but he makes himself eat and eats pretty much everything he wants. So, here we are, so lucky and thankful for each day. We see the H&N surgeon next week and the RO in July. I don't think they will do any testing until July, but we will find out what the schedule is next week. Both Drs were very pleased with his progress when they saw him in April.
Kind of a funny story... At the beginning of this ordeal in Jan, American Idol had just started. I remember how we watched it each week while going through this treatment. All the ups and downs and American Idol progressing along with us. Each week something new to deal with popped up, but there was always AI to watch. In Jan, I told Richard that in May when the finale came around we would be through the tunnel and into the light. Our interest in the show has waned a bit, but we will be watching the finale for sure. I know this sounds trivial, but we counted off the weeks with Simon, Paula, Cara and Randy! Talk to you all later....Geri

Geri-CG to husband Richard, 62 yrs old. Former smoker, quit 30yrs ago, light drinker. Dx after tests with BOT T1N1M0. Tx to start by end of Dec. Seven wks IMRT with 2x Cisplatin-2x Erbitux. Peg in 12/08- removed 4/21/09. Looking good so far. Clear Pet &MRI 8/2/09